Chapter 17

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National Congress, Sovereignty Republic of Salvatia

Supreme Leader Xavier Salvador, Supreme Magistrate Frieda, Princess Shalina, and her maid, Charia, went to the National Congress Building where they were informed about the purposes of the national congress and its role as part of the legislative branch, allowing the people to have representation in political matters. He explained to her that despite being a supreme leader, he must not abuse his authority, breaking the trust of constitutional law. Instead, he aims to limit his authority and intervention to make progress in his enlightened ultraprogressive ideals, bringing prosperity to his nation and its people.

They met Vice Leader Dargan and then proceeded to meet the president of the senate, Carto Mehrakla, the Ogron Neotype who heads the Salvatian National Congress, and the Speaker of the House Representative, Arsh Machkalar, the Hobgoblin Neotype.

The Supreme Leader and his entourage interacted with the congress members and senate members who were engaged in a debate about continuing to govern the nation. Carto announced the arrival of the Supreme Leader and Supreme Magistrate, prompting everyone to stand up in their presence. Following this, they encountered a princess who was the last remaining member of the royal family of Dyria. Shalina expressed to everyone that her kingdom had been conquered by the Latiusan Empire, and the beastfolks and wildfolks had become slaves, suffering under Latiusan oppression. She pleaded with Salvatia to liberate her kingdom and save her people. After her persuasive plea, both the congress and senate decided to vote, and they reached a decision to accept her plea.

Once the result was concluded, the Supreme Leader addressed everyone in the congress.

Xavier: As the Supreme Leader of the Sovereignty Republic of Salvatia, and with the support of the congress, Salvatia has hereby declared war on the Latiusan Empire for slavery and indiscriminate conquest against the citizens of Dyria.


When the declaration of war against the Latiusan Empire became official, the public's reaction was one of shock, as Salvatia had never before declared war on a human nation. The revelation of the Latiusan Empire's slavery practices and conquest of the Dyria Kingdom added to the gravity of the situation. The majority of the population, especially beastfolks and wildfolks, expressed full support for the war, driven by a collective desire to free their brothers and sisters suffering under the oppression of the Latiusan Empire.

The Grand Army of Salvatia was fully prepared to move out, utilizing navy ships and helicarriers to initiate the invasion of the Latiusan Empire.


Kingdom of Dyria, under the annexation of the Latiusan Empire

In the conquered kingdom of Dyria, the remaining beastfolks and wildfolks find themselves shackled in chains, walking in a line led by Latiusan slavers. These slavers, accompanied by mercenaries acting as personal guards, escort the captives to various regions and homelands, eager to sell them into slavery. Beast tamers, skilled in taming monsters such as pigorks, satyrs, savataurs, and ogres, are also part of the entourage. Additionally, Lindwurms and fire salamanders, captured and tamed, serve as siege walkers in the Latiusan military arsenal. Latiusan soldiers, donning uniforms reminiscent of late-era Romans, patrol the conquered kingdom, either capturing survivors to be enslaved or executing them on sight.

The remaining forces of Dyria, either captured, enslaved, or killed by the Latiusans, have seen their king fall defending the kingdom. Since his death on the battlefield, the people of Dyria have become slaves to Latiusan masters. Male Latiusans forcibly take female beastfolks to random houses, subjecting them to sexual assault. Some Latiusans choose to kill surviving beastfolks and wildfolks on sight as target practice. This atrocity committed by the empire shows no mercy, deeming these individuals as subhuman, following the official policy of the Anti-Demihuman Degree decreed by the emperor.

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