Chapter 14

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1st Year (A.T.E 1710) (N.S.E. 002)

The Sovereignty Republic of Salvatia begins living a peaceful life in isolation, following the new policy decided by the Supreme Leader and his National Congress. Xavier starts making plans for progress to build up the economy, industry, and military through progressivism. He recalls a computer game he played back on Earth called Hearts of Iron. Having played it during his time in high school and college, he is determined to do his best to make a significant effort for his nation.

He started making many programs to increase the strength of both economic and military at the same time. First, he focuses on constructing factories to make more stuff for most of the corporate companies in every certain location. Then he goes to a neo-agricultural program where he makes an act by convincing his national congress to sign the bill to accept this program to cultivate the land through agriculture technology in order to have many grains to feed his people, and putting some for reserve. He even uses a Arcane Replicator Nexus (ARN) to replicate more grains or other stuff if it slows down. Moreover, he also likes to keep the land clean so it is included on the program. Once the bill was accepted by the congress, his program was successful as it did perform much well for the future of this nation.

After finishing the development of neo-agricultural programs, he felt something on his mind that he had forgotten was important. Then, realization struck him; history. A nation cannot exist without a history. However, presenting the history of establishing his nation solely through his own power doesn't sound convincing to outsiders if they ask him about the background of that history.

Then he got an idea. He starts writing his own history, tracing the origin of Neohumans. According to his narrative, they were once humans living on a former home planet called Earth. In his account, the world experienced a catastrophic event—a massive global war fueled by a struggle for resources, political agendas by corrupt governments, and conquests of lands. The reasons behind the declarations of war were unknown and perplexing.

His written history stated that most nations resorted to using nuclear arsenals, resulting in the end of World War III but at the cost of everything, including Earth itself. Despite the devastation, many survivors managed to endure the nuclear holocaust, facing new challenges such as animals turning into cannibalistic mutants, remnants of military armies turning into warlords and bandits, and severe famine and plague. They lived in hiding, fearful of those who posed a threat until an omniversal primordial named Caelus descended from the sky.

According to the narrative, Caelus eradicated all threats to the survivors and took them to another world called Aifea. He selected a leader from among the surviving scientists, and Xavier Salvador volunteered to lead the group due to his knowledge and experiences. Caelus bestowed upon Xavier godlike powers and provided the survivors with futuristic technologies needed to build their new nation. Afterward, Caelus left, leaving Xavier and his people to establish a civilization.

After a few years of nation-building, Xavier made a vow to his people. He acknowledged that the old humanity's political greed, corruption, and self-interest agendas led to a catastrophic event, dooming themselves and damaging their homeworld. To avoid following the same path, they chose to be newborn as Neohumans, possessing enhanced strength, speed, intelligence, common sense, and adaptability to harsh environments through neoblood. While they haven't explored the entire continent, they strive for peaceful lives in their new civilization, creating a military to protect themselves from any threats.

Xavier became the supreme leader, governing the nation to ensure the safety and protection of his people. He pledged to use his power for their defense, avoiding tyrannical means. The Neohumans established a new religion to worship Caelus as a blessing for saving them from the harsh aftermath of war. And thus, the Sovereignty Republic of Salvatia was born.

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