Chapter 6

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The Supreme Leader and his air units continue to fly above the forest to find the secret location where demihumans are hidden when invasion occurs by goblins, trolls, and ogres. Hopefully, he will meet them to help to defeat the invaders and negotiate soon afterwards. Blaise guides them to follow the direction as he has a map that leads to the hiding place.

Blaise: We're almost there. Just go to that point and then we reach the location.

Alria: But there's one problem. You're flying metal creatures can't land there. It's covered in trees and there is a chance the people living there might scare you.

Xavier: Don't worry, I'll find a way to land it down.

Salvatian pilot: Sir! I just received a report from a colonel about a Birdwatch recon drone just sent.

Xavier: What does he say?

Salvatian pilot: He said there is a large horde of monsters attacking the demihumans. They have found their secret location and now, they are under attack.

Blaise and Alria are shocked and horrified that monsters have found their secret location and they are under attack. They fear the people who were escaping there from monsters before and during their kingdom's downfall. She is afraid her family is there and they will be slaughtered. She didn't want to imagine it so she knelt down and begged him.

Alria: Supreme Leader, please help them! My family is there. I don't want them to die!

She cried. He kneels down and places both hands on her shoulders. She looked at him with her watery tears on her eyes.

Xavier: Do not cry. We're not going to let that happen, don't we?

She wiped her tears from her eyes. He speaks to his men on a communication device.

Xavier: This is your Supreme Leader. There has been an attack at a secret location. The monsters have found them, and they are about to slaughter every man, woman, and child. I want everyone to be ready when landing there to assist them. Use any methods necessary to drive out those savage monsters! I don't want to see them die while making their last stand!

They flies faster ahead to find and help those demihumans to drive out the monsters from their secret place.


The demihuman forces are keeping the enemy at bay, but they are getting exhausted from fighting. Beastmen, Centaurs, High Elves, Dark Elves, Fauns, Ogrons, Onis, and Lamias are in defensive positions behind the wooden fences, atop the ruined walls, and among the tree branches. They don't have many defenses to protect their place, making it very vulnerable for the enemies to breach.

Goblins advance in waves, armed with weapons to kill them. They are accompanied by a number of Ogres wielding clubs and axes. High Elves and Dark Elves fire arrows at them from the tree branches. The Goblin archers return fire, managing to hit at least five of them. A Lamia archer fires an arrow at a goblin's head, causing it to fall dead to the ground. A male centaur commander draws his sword and raises it into the air.

Centaur commander: Continue fighting! This is our only refuge of our people to survive this onslaught! Fight to avenge our king and kingdom! Charge!

He shouted. He rushed towards the field accompanied by a few centaur warriors. They raised their spears and swords as they slashed at every goblin they saw.

An Ogre swings his club around, killing beastmen warriors. Then he sees a male Ogrillon warrior holding a broadsword, standing guard for his life to face him.

Ogre: Half-breed! You shall die for your abominated race, half-breed!

Male Ogron: Not as long as we fight to keep our people alive!

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