Chapter 15

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January 1, 008 N.S.E. (A.T.E 1716) 

A single ship trying to sail away from being pursued by some other sailing navy ships which are actually navy ships belonging to humans. That single type of ship is Carrack ship owned by beastfolks. They are running away in fear because the humans are after them and they aren't giving up the chase.

The beastfolks are running around to do whatever they can to sail the ship faster. A wolf beastfolk captain is controlling the helm to control the ship and beside him are a cat beastfolk maid protecting a young lioness beastkin wearing a tribal traditional-style royal princess clothing. A cat beastfolk maid is holding on to her as she feels depressed about what is happening to her country that was taken over by humans. A maid does whatever she can to comfort the princess to calm her down in this situation. A captain, steering the helm, shouting at his crew.

Wolf Beastfolk captain: Bring more wind to sail! We must get the princess to escape from the Latiusan Empire!

The crew responded more actively to get the sail faster with the wind supporting them to sail any further. As the beastfolk ship continues running further to the sea, the humans, now identified as the Latiusan Empire, still continue to go after them. But what they never know is that they have entered the Salvatia water border.


Somewhere in the deep sea of Salvatia water territory

The head of Fishman floating deep under the sea with a dead expression like he had already faced death. Then, a group of Manta Aqua fighters engage the enemies underwater. A coalition of fishmen, naga warriors, couatls, anglerfish-men, and samebito warriors are swimming towards them with spears, curved knives, silver tridents, iron swords, claws, and sharpened teeth to take them head on. But then, they were being attacked coming from the left flank to see a larger group of Vindictorium Merfolk myrmidons, gray mages, and knights engaging in both melee and ranged attacks. They collude towards them as they fight them using laser and energy weapons to neutralize them at ease. The monsters of the sea couldn't touch a single hand of one of them as their training proved to be improving their fighting skills and they were able to take them down so easily.

A Vindictorium Merfolk knight pierce through a samiton warrior's chest and cut it in half by energy spear. The Vindictorium Merfolk myrmidon archers fired energy arrows toward fishmen, which pierced through their hearts, killing them instantly. More sea creatures swim towards them only to be met with energy projectiles and beam rays. They see Sovereignty Knights, Elite Knights, and Hellwraths swim towards them with weapons ready to neutralize them. Behind them is a large fleet of submarines with energy gun turrets on top of every submarine taking aim at them then they open fire. The Astute-class submarines fire plasma torpedoes at them, but rather aiming at small sea creatures, they're targeting two kelpies and one giant size cetus swimming towards them.

Sovereignty Knight pilot 1: Shit! We got new incoming monsters from the east! Two kelpies and one huge cetus.

Sovereignty Knight pilot 2: Engage!

All mecha fighters and manta aqua fighters launch the attack towards them. Two Kelpies went separate ways to flank them while a cetus went straightforward.

Manta Aqua Fighter pilot: They're trying to flank us! Spread out!

The units split up into two groups to engage the kelpies while others from the behind went toward cetus. The submarine fleet takes aim at a cetus and fires all plasma torpedoes at once toward a cetus. A cetus took a severe damage, causing out a scream of pain, then the merfolks swim towards a sea beast and stabs through it using high frequency glaive then they use their magic to increase their speed to swim high to the other side to make spinning to cut out in half of cetus, which killing a sea creature.

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