Work Studies Interlude!

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A/N Welcome back to this story! I apologize if I changed the title of the story and you don't like the story name, please leave a comment down below if you all want the old title back! Well without anything else getting in the way, let's begin the story chapter! P.S. I apologize, but this chapter will be shorter than the last few chapters!

Izuku laid in the nurse's office as she recovered from her attack from Katsuki. She had lost the arm that was now cauterized from the force of his explosion and because of the cauterization of her missing arm, the doctors couldn't put it back forcing her to be armless. She was now a disabled child within the school of UA as she thought about everything leading up to how she lost her arm. She was currently inside of One for All as they pulled her soul inside of it in order to protect her from further damage as well as shock hitting her hard. The previous wielders had informed her about what had happened whilst she was unconscious during the procedure in order to keep her blood levels normal. It wasn't good from what they were talking to her about, she was getting to the point of which she was thinking she couldn't become a Hero anymore. As she was having these kinds of thoughts within the realm of One for All, Nana Shimura, a previous wielder came up to her and pulled the girl into a hug as she cried on her shoulder. Her left arm was now a mass of black and green mist as it was replacing the arm she originally had within the quirk as well as in flesh and blood. As Nana was consoling the young lady with her issues about Heroism as a one-armed Heroine, the other users of One for All thought about how they should go about her route as a Heroine. "She could get a robotic arm attached to her body. I've heard in comics that if someone turns their body somewhat cybernetic, they can survive injuries like this." Yoichi said, as he looked at the sad scene in front of him. Whilst the other wielders of the Quirk in their time had conversed with one another, one specific wielder was keeping an eye on Izuku as their form was more concerned as well as worried about Izuku. The form was All Might's vestige that was forming slowly into the realm of One for All as his vestige was feeling guilty for the actions of Bakugo. On the outside of the realm, and in the real world, All Might sat on the side of the girls' bed as he placed his forehead on the back of her right palm as he silently grieved over her loss. 


It had been a few days since Ochako had heard about what had happened to Izuku when she had gone out to talk with Katsuki. The boy was tried for attempted murder, as well as aggrevated assault and maiming of a UA student. Needless to say, the young man was going to stay in prison for the rest of his life, the prison in question was Tartarus and Ochako couldn't help but huff in slight cheerfulness as Katsuki was now out of their lives. He was always a more brash person who always got into a fight without thinking straightforwardly, and it is what caused his chance to become a Hero. Ochako was walking towards the school's nurse's office in order to check on Izuku as he had been thinking about how the girl must be suffering within her own mind going over the memory of fighting the young man. Entering the office of Recovery Girl, Ochako found Izuku sleeping on one of the cots with a lot of bandages on her left arm... or what was left of it. It wasn't much longer before Izuku herself woke up from her forced unconsciousness given to her by her quirk. And almost immediately she was looking for Bakugo since she was worried about him as well as his placement in the Hero Course. "W-Where is K-K-Kacchan!?" She called out, as she tried to get up from the bed. "You don't have to worry about him Midoriya-kun, Katsuki has been dealt with by the principal. He was given explicit orders to leave you alone and he went against those orders and tried to kill you when you had your back to him. All the teachers saw the recording in Gym Gamma last night, to think that you are this protective of a young man who only hated you until recently and wanted to show you that you belonged to him alone. It makes me sick." Recovery Girl said, as Izuku looked at Recovery Girl with not sadness but relief. It was showing on her face that she was shocked, as Recovery Girl had left the room in order to allow Izuku to spend some time with Ochako as the young man had started to inform the girl about Work Studies that were given to all students within UA within the Hero Course. Izuku had also gotten some papers that were for her to check since it had something to do with Sir Nighteye since the man had noticed the young lady with her use of One for All. Once the young lady was ready to leave the Nurses office, Recovery Girl recommended Izuku to not go to her Work Studies since she would need to recover from the loss of her arm. Izuku just shook her head as she told Recovery Girl... "I will need to learn how to be a Heroine without an arm, it happens to Heroes out there all the time. They get maimed by an opponent, and they need to walk it off as if nothing had happened. I will need to do the same, just earlier." Izuku said, as Recovery Girl just nodded. As Izuku and Ochako were walking back to the classroom they found themselves soon entering the classroom to find that their classmates were looking at Izuku with worry, well except for a certain few who were not happy with the events that happened the other day. Izuku looked at the students who were worried over her safety and asked if she would need help anytime soon with anything she might need assistance with. She told them that she would figure it out alone and just wanted to be alone with the only one being capable of getting close to the young girl being Ochako. Their day of Heroics Classes went by faster than they thought it would as Aizawa had them learning how to use their quirks to create Super Moves, so that they could use them in their Work Studies. Izuku was stared at by Todoroki as the young man watched as Izuku had struggled to hold onto her case. The young man had been feeling weird about the boy turned girl ever since the event had happened, and now that Bakugo was seen as the main abuser of Izuku he didn't know about what to feel about Katsuki Bakugo. From what the teachers stated about Bakugo was that he was the main abuser of Midoriya Izuku, but from what Izuku had shown to him and Iida, it was more or less a rivalry between the two that sometimes gets violent. Shaking his head, he watched as Ochako followed Izuku over to the women's changing rooms as he helped the young girl get into the girls changing rooms.

It was later on in the afternoon after getting their asses handed to them that Izuku properly met Mirio as the young man had informed the young girl about how his quirk worked. And the sad mood the girl was in earlier that day was replaced with morbid curiosity as she kept trying to write down in her notebook about the new information about Togata's quirk. The young man had also told her about how Sir had wanted to meet her and teach her everything he knew in order to help her become the next All Might or become better than the man himself. The timeframe between the Work Studies as well as the day for them all to leave was only around about 5 days and Izuku was preparing mentally for fighting in a new fighting style. She had been watching a certain show that had a character that fought with a different style of fighting compared to others. Izuku was watching the Dragonball series as she watched a certain one-armed individual fighting two android opponents as he tried to save the future. Izuku decided to write down each pose for each attack used in the show as she decided to use them for her fighting style. She had decided to take on the fighting style that the man in the show was using, and it was a mix of the man's father's fighting style with his late masters fighting style. And as she had gone outside in order to try out the new moves, she soon found herself thinking about how to place herself in order to make her opponent take her less seriously in order for her to take them by surprise. And she thought that how the man had pointed his one good arm at his opponents was not a good idea, so she started to look at some dummy's she had placed out there to represent some opponents and pointed her missing arm at them. She had found out that it gave her a bigger depth perception that allowed her more viewing of where her opponents would move around. So as she lowered herself into her traditional stance when activating Full Cowling, she pointed her missing arm at the dummy's before going for certain attack moves. As she went for a punch, she twirled her body around to do a massive roundhouse kick that was followed by a wide backhand before moving in for a downward vertical strike with her right leg. As she added the moves into her actual combat scenario, she smiled to herself as she decided to try and get her fighting style to be placed into muscle memory for the night, she nodded to herself as she cleaned herself up a little. Looking over to her right she found Ochako staring at the scene with a smile on his face as he moved over to the girl as he pulled her into a hug. "I see that you're learning a new fighting style to accommodate your missing arm. Want to test it out on me?" Ochako asked, as Izuku nodded vehemently jumping back. As Izuku looked at him as she sparked, Ochako decided to speak up before anything could be stated as fact. "No quirks, just a light spar with one another! We need to learn to fight without our quirks!" Ochako said, as Izuku lowered her stance once more turning off her quirk as she moved forward. Ochako kept his distance as Izuku came with a wide roundhouse kick that was blocked, Izuku swung her fist in a wide backwards arc, that had actually caught the girl-turned-boy off guard smacking into his cheek. It wasn't hard, but enough to send him backwards. Izuku then pressed her advantage as she kept being aggressive in her fighting style, as Ochako was pushed on the defensive. As soon as Ochako noticed that Izuku's body was much nimbler, he took in the fact that Izuku's body was a lot smaller there-by making it easier to make riskier moves to land. And it was these attacks that Ochako kept an eye out for and was impressed with how Izuku was capable of remembering attacks from shows and use them in an actual situation. Izuku went for one more attack when she felt that her leg was grabbed, and the girl was instantly slammed on the ground with her only arm behind her back as Izuku felt Ochako's body push her down into the ground. "I-I give!" Izuku called out as Ochako pulled Izuku's body up a little. But for some reason the young man didn't let her go, looking back at Ochako the boy moved his face closer to hers as they shared a kiss with one another. "This position that I placed you in, feels... good." Ochako huskily said, in Izuku's ear as the girl blushed crimson.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter to the point I have written it. I was getting tired when making this chapter, so I hope you all enjoy the small fluff or slight sexual tension Ochako was releasing on Izuku here in the last sentence! Well with that settled, I will wait until you all manage to reach around 635 reads of this story! I hope you all have a great week!

2155 Words!

Deku is Gender-bent, and the author makes it everyones problemDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora