Prelude to the Provisional Exams

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A/N Thank you all for the amount of reads you have given this story; it really makes my heart flutter when my stories get over the goal that I place for you all. I really hope that this continues on within the story that I make, and I promise that there will not be anything really bad with the story except for scenes that had been placed in the manga/anime. Without further ado, let's begin!

It had been a few hours since Izuku was admitted to Recovery Girl's office after her fight with Katsuki Bakugo, and since he attacked her first, he was taken out of the Hero Track and placed into Gen Ed and replaced with Hitoshi Shinso from the Sports Festival. It hadn't been much longer than a day when Izuku woke up again as she noticed that Ochako was sleeping next to her on the bed. And Izuku being the compassionate boy-turned-girl, had pulled the boy's face into her chest as she rubbed his head. She curled herself up into the boy's chest after releasing his head and turned her back to him in order to curl herself up even more. And it wasn't long before Ochako had curled around her much shorter frame as he pulled her close to himself as he unconsciously breathed in some air. After getting herself more comfortable, Izuku had fallen back asleep in order to get enough rest for the next day of school. It was exactly five hours later that Izuku did wake up, and she didn't know what was prodding at her butt, but she let it go since she didn't know what it was. Getting up from the bed, she looked over at Recovery Girl hard at work in making sure that she was okay. "Morning Recovery Girl." Izuku said, stretching her body not realizing that Ochako was now awake and watching her intensely. "Morning to you dear, and you as well Uraraka-deary." Recovery Girl said, as she ran a few tests on Izuku. "Alright you are completely healed from your wounds from last night. Make sure that this doesn't happen again, alright?" The old woman asked, as she raised her cane in a threatening matter. "Don't worry Recovery Girl, we won't. Well, I will try and make sure it doesn't happen again." Izuku said, blushing. "Get out of here now, you both have a class to get to in about 1 hour." The old woman said, shooing them off. 


It was now time for class as Izuku and Ochako were sitting next to one another as they waited for their teacher to enter the classroom. Their teacher finally entered the room as he had a deadpanned expression like he always did, although there was something wrong with it this time. It was as if he was mentally preparing for a slaughter of his classroom from some kind of villain. "Alright class, you will be having your Provisional Licensing Exams soon. Just be aware about the fact that after you get these licenses, you will be entering your work studies under certain Heroes that you will be given. And in order to prepare you for these Work Studies, you will be facing one of the top three students within the school." Aizawa said, as he called in the three students who were conveniently outside. As soon as they entered the room the class noticed how they all looked extremely different from one another as they entered. One was a girl who had periwinkle colored hair and eyes and a very voluptous body that had Mineta already drooling at them. She had a complete smile on her face as she was seemingly curious about them all as she talked to certain students about their quirks as well as their reason for becoming heroes. The next one was more... scared of them if anything. He had navy blue colored hair, and his eyes were more pointed since he looked scarier since he looked at them with a scary expression. It was then that the boy did something that completely caught them off guard. "I don't want to be here! I wanna go home!" The boy said, as he turned away from them. 'He's more of a coward!?' The class called out in their heads. The last one was a blonde man who was more muscular than some of the class himself, and he had a perpetual smile on his face. He had eyes which were similar to a cartoon character named Tin Tin, and he smiled at the class before he spoke. "My name is Togata Mirio! And I hope that you all learn to become Heroes faster than we did!" The boy said, as Izuku stared at him in awe. "But before that you should get your Hero suits on and head to the Gym. And once there you will have your lesson for the Work Studies that you will be doing during the break between the Fall and Winter." Aizawa said, as the class got up and went to the changing rooms. 

Deku is Gender-bent, and the author makes it everyones problemWhere stories live. Discover now