Feelings of Bakugo

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of the Gender-bent Heroine: Deku! I hope you all are prepared for this rollercoaster of a story plotline. I have been putting this specific chapter off for a while now as you can see, as this will be mainly Izuku and Katsuki settling their differences with one another as well as settling their feelings towards one another. 

As Izuku and Ochako were walking back to the Dorms, Izuku thought about everything in her life ever since she found out about Heroism. She thought about everything ranging from how she was treated as a child by Kacchan and his cronies, and the other peers who were supposed to help her in the past. She even remembers when her dreams of becoming a Hero team with Kacchan had been ignited as children when they managed to get the same play card of All Might as children. She reminisces on the past for a while longer as Ochako sleeps on her shoulder as she carried the young man all the way back to the Dorms. 

"Kacchan! Let's become Heroes together!" A younger Izuku called out to Katsuki. "Yeah! We will become the Number 1 Hero together!"

Izuku smiled to herself as she remembered the memory like it was yesterday, she couldn't help but tear up about the memory itself since that was quite literally the last time Katsuki was nice to her. Shaking her head, she reached the main building of Heights Alliance as she brought Ochako up to his room and laid him down on his bed before leaving the room with a sad smile on her face. "Hey Deku, we need to talk. Now." Bakugo said, as Izuku looked over at the young man. "What do you want Kacchan?" Izuku asked, looking at him with a guarded expression. "Just come on, meet me in Gym Gamma, I want this conversation between you and me to be completely between the two of us. Don't want people listening in on this." Katsuki said, as he started to walk away. Izuku pulled out her phone as she sent Aizawa a message about Katsuki wanting to talk to her alone and making sure that he could be nearby if something goes wrong. As she walked to her bedroom, she found some clothes that would be good to wear in this weather at this time of night. As soon as she got on her T-shirt that said... ironically T-shirt on it, she left her room as well as looked down at her phone again to see a message from Aizawa on it. 

'Keep yourself safe, I am there already waiting for something to happen. Where are you both?' 

Izuku smiled down at her phone before she texted him back stating that she and Kacchan were on their way towards Gym Gamma. Once he messaged back thanking her for informing him about this, Izuku focused again on the talk she should be having with Katsuki. She had a really good feeling that this wasn't going to end well for her as well as Katsuki because of how he treated her in the beginning of the school year. *Sigh* "I just wish Kacchan would just leave me alone. I know we promised to become a Hero duo when we were kids, but he betrayed me when he started to beat down on me when we were children." Izuku mumbled to herself. Placing her phone on record she put it back in her pocket as she made sure to hide it as much as possible in order to allow her teacher to hear their conversation when they would begin.


Arriving in Gym Gamma Izuku stared down the street as Katsuki has his back to her and his body begins to tremble. "Kacchan, what is the meaning of this talk? I know that you were angry at the end of the Provisional Exams, but you know that you can take the remedial course in order to get it." Izuku said, seemingly to try and bring Katsuki to reason. "What in the fuck did All Might see in you that he couldn't see in me?" Katsuki muttered, but Izuku caught it. "What are you talking about Kacchan?" Izuku asked, as she moved slightly towards the young man. "I mean, what in the fuck did All Might see in you to give you his quirk!? He shouldn't have seen anything in you!? I was supposed to be the best, not you! So why is it you always beating me in everything!?" Katsuki screamed out as he glared at the sky. "Kacchan, being a hero isn't all about winning if that's what you are searching from me. It's about keeping the people safe as well as protected from all harm! Winning comes after that!" Izuku said, as she tried to grab the young man's arm only to have herself blasted backwards. "YOU DON'T GET IT!? I HAVE TO BE STUCK HERE THINKING THAT I CAUSED THE END OF ALL MIGHT!? WHY DO I FEEL LIKE ALL THE THINGS I DID IN THE PAST WERE SO HORRIBLE NOW THAT YOU ARE A GIRL!? I JUST CAN'T GET MY HEAD STRAIGHT WHENEVER I LOOK AT YOU!?" Katsuki screamed as he held his head. And for once, Izuku couldn't understand what he was wanting from her, from what it seemed like he really needed help. But she couldn't understand why he feels like he caused All Might's end of reign.  "Kacchan, maybe you should calm down, I know that what I'm saying is probably a bad thing for you. But you need to calm down before you do something completely reckless!" Izuku cried out as Katsuki moved closer to her. As soon as the boy was in front of Izuku he started to cry in her face as he sobbed about how everything he spent time on for becoming a hero was being tossed out the window. And it all started when Izuku's male body was changed into a feminine form. Izuku placed her hand softly on Katsuki's hand as the young man looked at Izuku as he stared down at Izuku. "I know the feeling of loss more so than you think Kacchan, I felt it every time I tried to use my newfound quirk. Not only that, but I felt so useless for my entire life because of everything you'd done to me ever since my Quirkless Diagnosis. Even all the times you felt like a real threat to my safety, I still felt so useless that I even considered your words to me about a year and a half ago." Izuku said, as Katsuki looked down at her. "What are you talking about?" He asked, his sobbing stopping as she stood in front of him drawing circles on his hand. "Remember the day that you told me that it would probably be better if I had killed myself?" Izuku asked, looking into Katsuki's red eyes as he flinched hard. "Yeah, that day a year and a half ago. That was the day that I thought that everything that I did to get my old friend back, the old Kacchan back... was gone. The moment you told me to jump off a roof and pray for a quirk in my next life... that was the moment that everything set in that you weren't my friend anymore." Izuku said, as she stepped away from Katsuki who was now trying to grab her hands as Izuku placed them behind her back. "Katsuki, I only care for you as a classmate now. Everything you had done for me in the past nearly got me killed because even now, I think about the words from you when I fail to make the expectations that All Might set up for me work. I sometimes wonder if I should still be a hero because of how everything is causing me too much stress, even becoming a girl is stressful." Izuku said, as she sighed. "What is so stressful about being a girl, Deku? I thought it was easier to move around?" Katsuki asked, confused as Izuku stared at him. "All my life I know that everything felt stiffer as well as hurt more than it does now. My body at the time when I was still a guy just didn't feel right, and now that I am a girl, it feels just right. But it makes me more stressful because of my kind nature someone might take advantage of me, Ochako doesn't do that but sometimes I feel like I can feel the gazes of other guys looking at me like I'm a piece of meat." Izuku said, as she stepped further away from Katsuki as he continued to get closer. "Okay then me and Round Face can protect you from those kinds of guys!" Katsuki tried to reason as Izuku shook her head as she pointed at him. "You do the same thing, Katsuki. As much as I would never like to admit it... you are starting to become akin to those guys who look at me like I'm some piece of meat to screw. And I don't really like it unless it comes from Ochako for some reason, so please. I know this talk was supposed to be about you and me, but I need to have you stay as far away from me as possible. I care for you as a friend and classmate, but it is leaning more towards classmate as of right now." Izuku said, as she started to walk away. "If it didn't sink in already, All Might's end of his reign is not your fault Katsuki. It's mine." Izuku said, as she walked away as she was pulling her phone out of her pocket to stop the recording. But as soon as it was done and she turned off her phone she heard the sounds of explosions popping behind her and as she saw a reflection behind her of Bakugo about to attack her, she activated her quirk and defended herself with a roundhouse kick. As their attacks clashed in the air against one another, a shockwave was formed from their attacks. Izuku felt her leg burning up from the explosive sweat burning her skin as Izuku jumped back as she activated around 35% of her quirk. She had managed to gain control of 35% of her quirk recently and she wanted to use it right and not hurt anyone, but it seemed like Katsuki was destroying his last chance to become a Hero. As Bakugo ran towards her, fury on his mind, Izuku went into full defensive mode as she waited for Aizawa to arrive in the area like planned. Izuku knew that Bakugo couldn't wait to start a fight tonight especially since Izuku's feelings of causing All Might's true end since he didn't have his quirk anymore. As they moved about the streets of Gym Gamma Izuku focused more of her time dodging each and every attack from Bakugo, but every time she tried, he would counter her dodge with an explosion right at her left arm for some reason. "I tried to make sure that you'd become mine after I graduated, but with you trying your best to get in my way... cannot allow this to happen!" Katsuki screamed out causing Izuku to feel something akin to fear once more as a memory of Katsuki from the past came up at the worst possible time.

Deku is Gender-bent, and the author makes it everyones problemWhere stories live. Discover now