UA becomes a Boarding School

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A/N Hello everyone and thank you all for the reads for the last few chapters of this story! I can certainly hope that you all appreciate the story that is being written by me and I can wish for you all to give some of my other stories some love. With that out of the way, let's begin the chapter!

Izuku looked over at the door to the hospital as she found her mother giving her a cold look of indifference. "M-Mom! W-What are you doing here?" Izuku asked, looking slightly scared. "I thought that you were going to a public school that has nothing to do with Heroes Izuku Midoriya." Inko Midoriya said, as she coldly looked at Izuku. "I-I know what this looks like! I'm a part of the Heroics Course though! I-I can become a Hero mom!" Izuku said, trying to move the conversation away from the school and get her mother to agree with her dream finally. "The school is becoming a boarding school Izuku, I know that you wish to become a Hero and that there is nothing I can do to stop it from happening. But I can't trust the school you're going to since they have done nothing about being attacked multiple times now." Inko said, sitting next to Izuku. "Mom, I know that your trust in UA is losing its ground, but you have to look at it from their point of view! They had no villains for years break into their school, and the one time that they do, you lose all the faith they built up over many years!? They had managed to drive back the villains' multiple times!" Izuku exclaimed. "This isn't up for discussion Izuku, I am pulling you out of the school and you are giving up your dreams of being a Hero. This life isn't what I want for you, especially since you're now a girl. I can't have you going out there only to have... unspeakable things happen to you." Inko said, as Izuku looked away from her mother. "No, I will not give up my dreams of becoming a Hero. I can't be anything else mom, it's all I have ever wanted to become, and there isn't anything you can do to change my mind." Izuku said, as Inko stared at her son turned daughter. "I knew that this would be impossible to talk to you about, so if you wish to continue down this path into your own death... then I won't be here in order to see you fail. I will be moving to America with your father, and I hope to never see your face again. I hope you get what you were hoping to get Izuku. Because as of this moment... I and your father disown you from our family." Inko said, as she left the room. Izuku stared at the open doorway as she let what her mother sink in for her as she thought about her mother's words. 'S-She... d-disowned me?' 


It had been a few hours since Izuku talked to her mother, she kept that conversation out of her mind for the moment. Her mother gave her some money in order to keep herself going in their apartment, but Izuku knew that she would be moved onto UA's campus in order to live there for three years. She gathered all of her belongings as she thought about what her mother just did not even 8 hours ago in the hospital. 'S-She's probably just joking around and using that to get me to join her. That's right, she loves me. So does dad.' Izuku thought to herself as she gathered her belongings. As she gathered her things, she never heard the pounding on the front door of her apartment as it became more and more loud. When she finished gathering her belongings, she heard a crash from the living room and found her teachers looking around the apartment for someone. "U-Um, Aizawa-sensei? All Might-sensei? What are you doing here?" Izuku asked, concerned and unaware of how they saw her broken look. "Young Midoriya! Your mother wasn't answering the door, so we thought that something was wrong. Where is your mother? We need to inform her about the Dorms being built on Campus." All Might informed as Izuku shook her head. "Oh, you won't find her in Japan anymore. She moved over to where my dad lives in America." Izuku said, as her eyes became duller than before. "What happened." Aizawa demanded as Izuku informed both her mentor as well as teachers about what happened. "That arrogant bastard." All Might growled under his breath. "To think that because of your dreams, she disowned you. From here on out you are a ward under the care of UA, I will be sure to inform Principal Nezu about this." Aizawa said, as he glared at the picture that Izuku was holding. It was a family picture where Inko was standing behind Izuku when she was still a boy and behind her was the father... Hisashi Midoriya. The man was as tall as Aizawa himself and had similarly colored hair, the hair itself was as messy as Midoriya's and he couldn't help but notice the faint trace of freckles on the man's cheeks. The one thing that alarmed him about the father and Izuku... was the fact that his eyes were similarly green to the woman in front of him although her green eyes were darker than his vibrant green eyes. After gathering the belongings of Izuku and placing them in the car, they drove off to UA in order to set Izuku's room up on the girl's side of the dorms. It wasn't much longer before the other students arrived there and Izuku was talking to Ochako specifically more so than the others. In fact, from Aizawa's view, she was leaning towards the transformed young man more so now than she originally was beforehand. He then saw the look Bakugo gave the brown-haired student of his, and if looks could kill, Bakugo would've killed Uraraka ten times over by now.

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