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thirteen months ago

Hyeri winced, and tightened her grip on Soonyoung's hand when she felt the sharp prick of the needle deep in her skin.

"Does it hurt?" Yunho asked, sweetly.

"No, it doesn't," Hyeri lied easily, whilst simultaneously tightening her grip on Soonyoung's poor arm. Yunho, who noticed it, let out a soft laugh.

"It's totally okay to admit when you're in pain, Hyeri. There's no way anyone can help you otherwise."

Soonyoung quietly observed Hyeri's wincing, which seemed to be caused more by Yunho's words, than his gentle ministrations on her foot.

He had a strong feeling that something was horribly wrong with Hyeri, but didn't bring it up just yet.

Yunho, after skilfully sewing her torn skin back, patiently advised Hyeri to not strain that foot of hers unless absolutely necessary, and to use a crutch or any other form of support while moving.

"And I really mean this, Hyeri. Don't ignore this doctor's advice, like you always do, because the consequences can be much more severe this time."

Hyeri nodded sadly, thanking Yunho for his help. Soonyoung escorted the doctor to the front door, feeling supremely grateful for his help.

"It would be helpful if you could keep an eye on her, and make sure she doesn't exert the foot. I know for a fact that she's very stubborn and will be up on her feet in an hour, if no one's surveilling her. I would do so myself, but I don't think her husband appreciates me coming over to his house to meet his wife," Yunho said, folding his coat over his arms.

Soonyoung cringes at his words. "Yeah, Seungcheol can be. . . a little possessive, at times."

Yunho laughed dryly. "That's an understatement. But anyways, I hope you can visit her often and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid."

Soonyoung nodded solemnly. "You can count on me."


"Soonyoung? Are you not coming?" Wonwoo asked, standing at the door of his room.

"Huh? What?" Soonyoung shook out of his reverie. He was coming up with some ideas for his side hustle, and had completely zoned out.

"We're all going out for dinner. Jihoon didn't inform you?"

Soonyoung widened his eyes. He had totally forgotten about the dinner they had planned.

"Your expression says that you forgot about it." Wonwoo sighed.

"No, I just. . . have some other plans. . ." Soonyoung trailed off, Hyeri's face in his mind. It had barely been a day since he'd last visited Hyeri, who insisted on him leaving and not come knocking on her door every single day.

Just as Yunho had predicted, Hyeri was moving around on her injured foot easily. "It's nothing I can't take," she had said, shrugging when Soonyoung scolded her.

She was definitely not telling him something, and it bothered him a lot. He was going to find out what it was.

"Alright, we'll leave you to it. Do you want us to bring you something from the restaurant?" Wonwoo's deep voice shook Soonyoung out of his thoughts.

"No, I'll get something for myself, thanks. You guys enjoy." Soonyoung smiled at his friend's thoughtfulness, but the smile dropped once he left.

He brought out his phone and dialled Hyeri's number, who answered the call after almost ten rings. Soonyoung stayed quiet for a few seconds, and heard muffled noises.

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