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forty-seven months ago

Hyeri sat, bored, on a chair, mindlessly twirling the straw of her almost empty drink. The sound of the half-melted ice cubes clinking against the side of the glass was drowned by the loud music that was blaring from the hidden speakers.

She was currently at her best friend's birthday party, though the birthday guy was nowhere in sight. Soonyoung had insisted on Hyeri coming to the party, despite her protests that she didn't want to come.

She knew literally nobody, and was just sitting in a corner, trying to be inconspicuous.

Hyeri sighed, glancing at her wristwatch. It had been exactly seventeen minutes since Soonyoung had been dragged away (by some female Hyeri didn't know), shouting promises that he would send someone she could talk to and 'end her loneliness'.

Yet, no one in her sight came to talk to her and end her loneliness.

Uttering promises about how she would kill Soonyoung the next time she saw him, Hyeri got up from her seat and fixed her wine body-con dress, that was ruffled by her staying seated in the same place with little to no movements.

"I can't believe I dressed up for this," she muttered, hand still aching at the thought of her twenty failed attempts of a perfect eyeliner, not to mention the effort she had put in for the rest of her makeup.

As she made her way towards the exit, her eyes fell on a dessert bar. Smiling slightly, she changed her direction, heading towards the deserted dessert bar.

She was wondering why there wasn't a crowd around the desserts, because that was obviously more important than dancing with sweaty people. Her question was soon answered, when she saw that half the racks were empty.

Hyeri didn't have much of an option now, but she found a lone cherry pie sitting in the corner, not unlike herself a while back. The comparison of her favourite fruit with herself made her smile goofily. Perhaps she'd had a drink too many.

"Excuse me, can I have that cherry pie?"

"One cherry pie, please."

Two voices spoke together, one of them being Hyeri's. She turned to look at who else had the audacity to take her cherry pie, when she was met with the sight of the most handsome man she had ever seen.

Hyeri's jaw dropped, all words leaving her mouth.

The man in front of her leaned casually against the counter, long permed hair falling over his forehead, the edge of his fringes touching his long and pretty eyelashes. His defined, cherry-red lips looked much sweeter than the pie she had asked for. His jaw was clenched, and it looked so natural on him. His clothes were tight-fitted on his body, showing off his buff muscles.

Hyeri might have drooled a little. "Wow," she mumbled, eyes looking him up and down. His strong and powerful gaze made her shiver a little. A low, deep chuckle left his mouth, and reverberated in her chest, causing her heart to flutter.

"Um, there's only one pie left," the guy behind the counter said, ruining the moment they were having.

"Ah, that's a shame, I was really in the mood for some cherry," the other guy said, playful eyes not leaving Hyeri's face.

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