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blood ⚠️

thirteen months ago

Hyeri sat on the bathroom floor, body shaking with the sobs she tried to muffle with a towel she found in the bathroom.

When her phone suddenly began ringing, she flinched, quickly reaching out to mute her phone. She was trying to not make any noise (so she wouldn't indicate that she was hiding in the bathroom), and her unnecessarily loud phone might've just ruined things for her.

But Hyeri wasn't even sure if her husband was in the house or if he went somewhere out. Still, she didn't want to take any chances.

When her phone began ringing, she muted the call again, before squinting at her screen to see who was calling her. She never really got calls from anyone, because she had lost contact with everyone she was close to. Of course, all that was her fault too.

Soonyoung was all she had, and to no one's surprise, Hyeri found that those phone calls were from him.

When a third call from him flashed on her screen, she sighed. Soonyoung didn't know anything about the. . . problems she was having with Seungcheol, and she wanted to keep it that way.

Not answering his calls would make him worried, and the last thing Hyeri wanted was to worry Soonyoung.

She had to pretend that everything was fine. It couldn't be that hard, right? She cleared her throat twice, before answering the call. "Hello?"

"Hyeri!" Soonyoung's loud voice rang in her eardrums. She grimaced, putting the phone away from her ears. "Where were you?!"

"What happened?" Hyeri asked, internally panicking at the way her voice almost cracked.

"Is everything okay with you? You haven't been answering my texts, nor calling me back. . . sick of me already?"

"Yeah, um, I've just, uh, been busy with house work and stuff. Don't worry about me, I'm fine!" Hyeri sounded excited, maybe a little too excited.


Hyeri made the mistake of trying to stand up on both her feet, totally forgetting about the bleeding wound on the sole of her left foot. The dull pain in every other part of her body somehow shadowed the pain of the glass cut on her foot.

She bit down on her lip, hard, tears springing to her eyes at the pain. She tried to hum to let Soonyoung know that she was fine, but the pain made her voice shake.

Soonyoung stayed quiet for three seconds, before he spoke again, seriously, this time, "Are you crying?"

"No, I'm not, why would I cry?" Hyeri closed her eyes to block the tears that were collecting in her eyes, but her voice betrayed her.

"Hyeri, what happened? Why are you crying?" Soonyoung sounded worried over the call.

"I'm fine, Soonie, I just accidentally broke a glass vase and a sharp piece of it went inside my foot. You know, silly, clumsy Hyeri. Don't worry about it, it's all goo—"

"A glass shard went inside your foot?! Did you call an ambulance? Should I call one for you?"

"No, no, don't call an ambulance! I can handle it on my own, don't worry," Hyeri hoped he would drop the topic. She cautiously walked out of the bathroom, limping on her foot. "Soonie, I have to clean the glass mess now, before another shard impales itself into my body, I'll text you later, okay?"

Soonyoung was about to say something on the other side of the phone call, when a loud crash echoed in their ears, louder in Hyeri's ears as she was right in front of the disaster.

Preoccupied, she didn't cut the phone call, and Soonyoung could hear Hyeri's screams and cries of protest, which immensely worried him.

"Hello? Hyeri? Are you there?"

When he got no response, his first thought was that Hyeri had somehow managed to step into glass, and hurt her foot again. He would've left it at that because he knew she could take care of herself very well, but when he heard Hyeri's loud sobs, he was extremely worried.

Soonyoung instantly got on his feet, throwing a hoodie over his head, grabbing his car keys and running out of the house. His phone was clutched in his hand, the call still active as neither of them had ended it.

Every single sniffle or cry he heard was like a small stab straight to his heart.

Hyeri wasn't the type to cry easily. Even when she was in physical pain, she would just grimace, and get over it, never cry the way she was currently doing so. Soonyoung had witnessed his best friend crying only on four occasions in the entire duration of their seven year long friendship. And those four occasions were some pretty serious ones.

So, hearing her cry again after so long worried him immensely about what its cause might be.

Soonyoung drove as fast as he could without getting a ticket, and reached the apartment complex where his best friend lived. He rushed into the building, simply nodding at the security guard, (who he was well-acquainted with) and waited for the elevator doors to open.

He tapped his foot impatiently, and was about to run towards the staircase, fully intending to climb nine floors, if that's what it took to reach Hyeri, when the elevator doors opened. He practically smashed the button to the ninth floor, and the button to close the lift doors.

Soonyoung walked quickly over to the door to Hyeri and Seungcheol's house, his fingers pressing in the password to the lock, straight from his memory. He never usually barged into their house like this, despite knowing their house password, because he wanted to respect their privacy and not invade it.

However, now, there was no time to worry about invasion of privacy because Hyeri was in immense pain, and getting to her was his first and utmost priority.

Soonyoung opened the door and dashed into the house, going straight to the kitchen. He indeed found a mess of broken glass shards and some blood on a few pieces. He was about to clean them up when he heard soft cries from the guest room.

Cautiously, he walked towards the room that was almost always unused, and pushed the door open. He found Hyeri plopped on the floor in the middle of the room, pink broken ceramic shards in front of her crying, shaking figure. Her left foot was a bleeding mess.



I haven't got anything particular to say ab this chap (yet)
continuation of these events coming next week :)

[ April, 2022 ]

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