10. Neighborly Bonding

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"Finally," you sighed. Reaching to take a treat out of the tin, you quickly regretted the decision, immediately recoiling at the burning sensation.

"Y/n! Are you alright? You know they just came out of the oven. Are you burnt? Do you nee-"

"I'm fine, Poppy." You reassured, running your hand under the tap. She continued to fret about the situation for a little while longer before eventually calming down.

"Ooh, are the cupcakes done?"

"Julie, hold still!" Sally continued to tug at Julie's hair while she giggled.

"Not quite," Poppy responded to Julie's question. Julie had invited you, Poppy, and Sally over to her house for a sort of play date. Eddie and Howdy were busy with their jobs, while Wally, Barnaby, and Frank couldn't make it because of who knows what. You greatly appreciated it though, wanting to avoid Wally for a bit. Just to come to terms with your newfound feelings.

You joined Sally and Julie on the floor. Entertaining the gleeful monster with a game of patty-cake. She enjoyed it a ton and quickly strayed from the lyrics to make the game more complicated. While it was difficult to keep up with the ball of joy, you continued for Sally's sake. "Ha ha ha!" Julie's playful laughter rang out as you rubbed your sore hands, out of breath. "That was so fun! Let's go again!"

"I don't know, Julie." You took a few breaths, "I think I need a water break."

"And... done!" Perfect timing, as always. Sally finished the last braid and showed off Julie's new hairstyle with pride.

"Wow... that looks great!" You stifled your laughter at her egregious updo.

"I'm bored!" Julie groaned, collapsing on the fluffy pink carpet dramatically.

"Come on Julie, there are loads of things we could do!"

"Not to mention we were just playing together," Sally added.

"Like five seconds ago," you deadpanned.

Julie was back up, her gloom vanishing as quickly as it had arrived. "Mmm, ooh, how about truth or dare?"


"As long as it doesn't get out of hand," Poppy added.

"So, no one has any traumatizing stories about past games of truth or dare whatsoever?" You asked in slight disbelief. Everyone just stared at you, dumbfounded. "Just me?"


"Fine, I'm in."

"Yes!" Julie went from on the floor to bouncing on the balls of her feet. She assembled all four of you in a line on her couch. You didn't complain, the couch coupled with the pajamas you'd bought the other day felt like a fluffy cloud compared to Wally's trousers. "Okay, me first! Sally, truth or dare?"


"Really? On your first turn?" You asked.

"For the drama, the action!"

"Alright, alright. I dare you..." Julie looked around for a moment. "Oh! I dare you to eat three cupcakes in—" she counted on her fingers before arriving at a conclusion, "—one minute!"

Sally rolled up her sleeves with a grin, "You're on!" She snatched the tray while you were in charge of the clock. Julie handed you a pink stopwatch to keep track.


She got to work incredibly fast, but slowed down drastically at the thirty second mark, "And three, two—"

"Done!" It was a huge mess of frosting and crumbs, but she had managed to get the last bite down. "My stars..." Sally drawled. "Alright, y/n..." you gave her a second to compose herself. "Truth or dare?"


"Come on, y/n. I had a really good dare!" Sally pleaded. You felt a bit bad since she looked like she was about to throw up, but you held your ground nonetheless.

"Nope! Better luck next time."

"Uh, okay. Hmm," before Sally continued, Julie whispered something in her ear. Causing her to grin mischievously.

"Oh great," you muttered.

"Have you ever had a crush?"

"Yes," you answered, unamused.

"Do you have one right now?"

"Ooh, do they live in the neighborhood?" Julie added.

"Nu uh, I already answered your question." A chorus of groans came from the two, acknowledging their crucial oversight. "Alright, Poppy, truth or dare?"


"On the safe side?"

"As always, dear!"

Taking that into account, you thought of your question, "Have you ever baked without your oven mitts?"

Poppy's eyes widened a bit, "Well, yes... I was at Home, and I couldn't find the mitts anywhere. I opted to use some spare cloth and almost got burnt!" She admitted. Two gasps arose, while you wondered if some sort of ptsd caused Poppy's paranoia. Maybe an even worse incident.

A distant ringing interrupted your thoughts.

"Who's that?"

"Must be Wally," Sally answered.

"How do you know?" You asked.

"Oh, Wally always says goodnight to everyone in the neighborhood!" Julie exclaimed.

"Oh, oh, oh, y/n, I dare you to say 'I love you' to Walliford!"

"Yeah! Do it! Do it!" Julie reenforced.

"What? But it's not even your turn! And Julie didn't even go—"

"Here!" Julie handed you the receiver. Out of slight obligation, you held it to your ear.

"Hello, Julie." His voice was a bit staticky from the other end, but it was obviously the Wally you knew and... tolerated? Loved?

"Oh, it's actually me." You responded a bit sheepishly.


"That's me."

"Are you coming back Home tonight?"

"I don't think so. Julie invited Sally, Poppy, and I over for a sleepover, so don't bother calling them either."

"Oh. Well I bid you all a very goodnight."

"Thanks Wally. I'll tell them." You heard him shift to put the reciever down, but an impulse told you to listen to the girls' pleas. "Wally?"


"Goodbye... I... I love you." For some reason the words brought a meager smile to your face. And you could almost hear his grin from across the line.

"I love you too, darling."

As soon as you hung up, the cheery girls exploded in a fit of cheers and questions. "Ooh, what'd he say?"

"You two are so cute!"


After the commotion died down, the four of you went to bed. You couldn't tell, but something about that exchange with Wally made you sleep just a bit better. And something about it solidified your feelings, in a way that didn't scare you. All of a sudden something clicked. The most beautiful revelation you'd made so far.

For the first time in your life, you truly loved someone.


1060 words

"Shout out to @1987DreamSunshine for enlightening me with Julie and Sally's habit of calling Wally 'Walliford'. Btw check out their book 'Tangled Fates,' it's one of the best welcome home fics I've seen so far, and it just began! As always, vote, comment your thoughts, and I'll see you next chapter!"

- Coffee

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