chapter 1

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Kakucho's pov:

"This deal was such a pain" I said lighting a cigarette.
"Tell me about it, and there is still tons of paperwork to do as well" Takeomi groaned as he remembered the work he still has to do, taking out a cigarette and lighting it as well.
I chuckled watching my older friend we both stood outside a nightclub getting some fresh air and smoking after finishing a weapon deal that took three weeks of negotiation.
At least the deal is finally closed.

"Did Mikey give you any other orders?" Takeomi asked.
"No, I'll go home after finishing this cigarette".
"Won't you stay for the "celebration"?"
I looked at the night sky that looked so calm compared to the noisy club behind us and taking a drag of the cigarette in my hand "You know those celebrations aren't really my thing".
"Me neither, I think we are getting old my dear friend".
"Speak about yourself, old man"
Takeomi was about to say something when we heard the trash cans behind us fall down with a thud.

Alerted we turned around quickly to see a young lady she looked so wasted she could barely walk straight, we were going to ignore her she probably had one too many,

It was normal we are in a club anyway.

But the girl had some urgency in her moves once she saw us she tried to move as fast as she can towards us which made her stumble and fall.

With a swift motion I managed to catch her before she hit the ground.

She said only three words.

", ..... Drug"
Before losing consciousness.

"Ah, there you are!" I heard a male's voice and looked up seeing a guy in his twenties who didn't look japanese, he had brown hair and blue eyes and a vertical scar on his lips.

The man approached me and slightly bowed down "I'm so sorry to bother you gentlemen, this is my girlfriend we were celebrating our anniversary and she had a bit much to drink".
"Ah, there is no problem just keep an eye on her next time" said Takeomi who is now standing next to me, the man tried to take the girl from me but my grip on her tightened.

"You are not her boyfriend" I deadpanned.

Both Takeomi and the man questioned at the same time.

"What do you mean I'm not her boyfriend, this girl is my girlfriend Yuna!" He tried to take the girl again but I kicked him in the stomach and he fell on the ground groaning.

"What's wrong with you, asshole?" He yelled.
I calmly gave the unconscious girl to Takeomi who was still confused about the whole situation.

I walked towards the man who was still sitting on the floor "you see that girl mentioned a drug and asked for help before losing consciousness which makes me doubt that you are her boyfriend" I said and kicked the man's face making his nose bleed.
"I'm her boyfriend, I don't know what drug you are talking about, she is drunk! Are you going to believe a drunk girl?!"
"And why should I believe you?" I asked calmly.
"I'm telling you the truth, I swear!" The man yelled again.
I clicked my tongue "eh, not convincing enough" giving him another kick.

"One minute, you have only one minute, either prove she is your girlfriend or I kill you" I told the man as I took out my gun.
"What? How am I supposed to prove that?"
I shrugged "don't know.... And don't really care"
The man was shivering and he kept asking for me to believe him, he tried to convince me by telling me some info about this "Yuna".

"Twenty seconds" I said.
He was panicking at this point, he glanced at the unconscious girl once more and then eyed the gun in my hand "ah, fuck it" he said before running away leaving his "girlfriend" unconscious.

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