Blinding Lights and Secret Doors (Hub x Bub)

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WE'RE BACK :)))) Enjoy lil' broskis <3


Time flies, goes by like a faint and succinct rustle among the strong, rustling wind. Hell, just a couple months ago Bub was watching the children gleefully play outside, while decorations of fluorescent pumpkins adorned the scene, as well as the occasional 'Trick or Treat' exchanged by exuberant little children buzzing with excitement and pride, showing all of their winnings of candy to their friends, as if they were intricate pieces of treasures, only to be shown to the most trustworthy of people. And then came Thanksgiving. Nothing too special, just Bub showing up to his parent's house for some family gathering being held, and jacking off harshly into his hand shortly after the boredom was too much to overcome by himself.

And jacking off has always been one of Bub's (not many) talents, as he'd like to boast to everyone. He's fantastic, heck, maybe even the greatest. He knows the right amount of pressure to apply, the perfect rhythm, all the key spots, and that flawless angle and position of his wrist where it isn't bound to get as worked up as most of the population's "Average Noob Whacking", as he likes to call it. He might be the ultimate and unmatched whacker off-er or jerk off-er (however you'd wish to call it) in his own eyes, but reality doesn't always live up to the rad expectations we make up in our heads. I'll just cut to the chase and tell you that Bub's just a sad, pathetic little virgin (womp womp). Living his life miserably fucking his hand because no one else is there to do it for him. How utterly sad. (#Lcantrelate).

Okay, well, easing off the harshness here for a lil', let's move onto Hub, our fellow yellow storybot. Looks can deceive, as they like to say, because Hub was often described as an outgoing and friendly fella, usually the one coming up with unusually fun ideas to spend the time, mostly really fuckin' weird. Like that one time he somehow convinced the whole gang to piss in this bigass bucket, to later use the liquid and pour it down at people from his 4th floor. But fun nonetheless. What most didn't and wouldn't expect, was that he had a rather interesting sex life. I mean, c'mon, you wouldn't really be able to predict that some fidgety yellow dude whose stature would fool you into thinking he was a pubescent, moody teenager going on a no-deodorant strike, could name even the wildest positions in bed in less than a minute or two. Well actually, most teenagers nowadays probably could, but like, let's dwell on the good ol' 19-somethings, 'kay? (neither of us was born then but whatever don't come at us pls). Back in the days and stuff, or whatever boomers say these days, I don't know.

Needless to say, while one got bitches, the other one didn't, and was probably getting his dick stuck in something that wasn't a cunt. Like, dude, how much of a virgin can one really be? Bub is the robot embodiment of that.

Well, Hub was pretty well-known around storybot-ville, so naturally, he got invited to some random Christmas party held at some pothead he knew's house, not to toot his own horn, but he was kinda famous around these regions, he was humble about it though, like the cool dude he was #humblestorybotdudeyourockman.

So yeah, Hub being all humble and stuff, accepted the nice invitation, manners and all. And just like in any other story, this is the event where the two oblivious characters meet, and in our stories, end in both of em' fucking, cuz duh. You know what you clicked on anyways, pls keep reading chickadee, we wanna be famous :)))

No one really knows how Bub got there, but he did, m'kay? (I'm feelin kinda lazy rn and making another backstory is kinda exhausting yk sorry chickadoodles momma humpty still loves u)


It was reaching around 11:00 at night, and all the happy storybots were in the exciting midst of getting ready for a fun, gay ol' night with their friends, probably to just end up smoking that wild hippie lettuce and dropping dead on the couch after a couple shots, but at least it was all in loving company, and at the end of the day, that's all that really matters <3 (awwww)

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