A Juicy Big Mac, Please (Ronald McDonald x Kurger Bing)

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A/N : For y'all who don't know Kurger Bing is the name of the mascot for Burger King, this is official cuz I googled it, I do have my sources, and I am right.

P.S: The smut in this chapter comes a little (a lot) later than the other chapters but it's worth it and supa long ;)


Ronald called. That was undeniably the word he had said the most in his life. He slouched behind this very counter every day taking hundreds of customer's orders waiting for the dreadfully slow clock to finally tick to his break or the end of his shift. His life was repetitive, boring, tedious, and basically every negative adjective you could think of, and he couldn't do anything about it. He had no clue how to change this fucked-up lifestyle, but every time he did try, he just couldn't bring himself to. Just the thought of changing an aspect of his life would send a cold shiver of dread down his spine. It was impossible for him to change if it were something big or small. However, after what felt like centuries of overthinking, today was the day that was going to change.

It was finally his lunch break, so he rapidly dashed outside to escape the overwhelming scent of grease, soda, and lingering piss from that damn ball pit, only to be greeted by smell of the sickeningly smokey air and diesel fuel of the gas station the McDonald's he worked at was located. The doors to the next-door Burger King jingled, signaling that he had entered. As the sound of the bell rang through his ears, thoughts of regret ran through his head at a million miles per hour.

I really shouldn't be doing this...

I can handle one more Big Mac before absolutely losing my sanity.... right?

I could just skip lunch and sit outside...?

I should go back

Everything would be great and the same if nothing changed

My life doesn't need to change... just one cheeseburger or happy meal.

No. Nope. Absolutely not. I need to dash back to McDonald's-

A mysterious figure caught his eye. Their hazel eyes looking out the open window taking a long drag of their cigarette, as their chocolate-brown hair flew in the light breeze of the wind. He looked ravishing, devine, scrumptious. Ronald's knees felt weak at the mere sight of him.

As if his body was on autopilot, he started walking towards him. "Hi" Ronald squeaked, a light blush crawling up his cheeks.

"Hi?" the mysterious dude answered, letting out a puff of smoke.

"What's your name?" Ronald managed to ask, although it felt as if he was drowning in the presence of this attractive male.

"My name's Kurger Bing, you?" Kurger replied with a slight smirk.

"Ronald. Ronald McDonald " He sputtered out, his cheeks warming even more.

"Well Ron, what brings you here this fine day?" Kurger inquired, motioning for him to continue.

"It's my first time here, and I was wondering what you'd recommend?" He asked, fiddling with his gloves.

"Whoppers are a must, although, if you'd like something lighter, Chicken Royales are just as great in my opinion" Kurger replied, a with a soft smile showing off his straight pearly whites.

Just before Ronald was going to order, he felt a slight tug on his trousers, and something slip into the back pocket of his pants. He didn't think anything of it and went to get a medium whopper meal with coke but noticed that the guy had left. Dammit.

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