A Warm Welcome (Cookie Monster x Elmo)

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A/N- HAPPY KINKTOBER PPLS! We are officially back after some time and we have lots of stuff ready for y'alls peepers to feast on. Hope y'all like what we've got 4 you. This chapter is a lil short but it's a nice warm up for the other stuff we've got prepared.

(This chapter is dedicated to our first ever commenter, FirmsteadEggers on ao3. Ur very rad and we really appreciate ur comments and stuff, hope u like this chapter!)


Boxes littered Cookie Monster's new house. A fresh new start, he continued unpacking his things before deciding that he could do it later and left to go for a walk around his neighborhood. As he was walking outside, he caught a glance of Elmo, his neighbor, who lived right next to him, taking out his trash. He continued his walk, slowly familiarizing himself with Sesame Street. Cookie Monster could feel someone's eyes on the back of his head as he walked away. Weird.

Black coated the sky as Cookie Monster ventured back to his house. Was he really walking around for that long? The amber streetlights illuminated his path back home, the occasional car drove by, interrupting the silence draped across the street. It was peaceful, calm. Just how he liked it.

Home, bland and crowded by cardboard boxes, but still home. He layed across the bed, limbs splayed across the mattress. Eyes heavy and sleep-deprived, slumber overtook him as he slept and dreamt peacefully about the new chapter of his life ahead of him.

Cookie Monster awoke and tossed in his bed groggily, unsuccessfully trying to go back to the warm arms of slumber that enveloped him earlier. 1:47 pm, his alarm clock blinked at him, as if it was silently telling him to get off his ass and unpack. So that's what he did, after a few hours of laborious unpacking, he went out for lunch. A cozy restaurant not that far from his house.

Looks like this'll be the place I'll be going to very frequently

Two fried eggs, a piece of toast and some bacon sat in front of him on his plate, practically begging him to devour them, but something, no, someone was stopping him from doing so. Just like yesterday, he felt a pair of eyes burning into the back of his skull, shamelessly staring at him. But who?

He turned around and finally saw who was staring a him. Or who he thought was staring at him.


He just so happened to turn his head away once Cookie Monster looked at him. Weird. Without a second thought about him, Cookie Monster ate his food, payed, and walked back home.

Throughout the week, Cookie Monster swore he saw Elmo practically everywhere. At the post office, the grocery store, the mall, the park, you name it, Elmo was there. It creeped him out a bit but he brushed it off. It's just a coincidence... right?

About a week or two later, Cookie Monster battled the doubt in him and decided that he had to speak to Elmo again, once and for all. Technically, didn't really talk that much, when he moved in, it was only Elmo staring at him and introducing himself, but only after Cookie Monster did.

The day he decided to finally talk to Elmo, Cookie Monster woke up early, ate breakfast, and repeatedly rehearsed what he was going to say as he fought the battle against his nerves. Right before he put his hand on the door handle, the doorbell rang.

Behind the door stood his quiet, observant, and kinda creepy neighbor, Elmo.

"Hi, Cookie Monster... right?" Elmo spoke, holding a small box of baked goods in his hands.

"Hi, yeah it's Cookie Monster... And you're Elmo?" Cookie Monster replied in a cool, calm tone, skilfully hiding his nerves.

"Mhm, so since you've basically just moved in, Elmo thought you might need a nice welcome... Just to make you more familiar with the neighborhood, of course" he added hastily. "Can I come in?" A smirk played on Elmo's lips as he spoke.

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