Banging Into You (Bing x Bang)

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A/N: See what I did there? >:) Either way, enjoy little chickadoodles! <3


The average day of a storybot was quite the hefty to say the least, but at least most were employed and didn't end up like Jimmy, selling balloons down the road for 5 bucks. Word on the street was that Jimmy had convicted rape and did hard drugs, but storybots were quite the gossips, so that might've been a myth.

But enough about Jimmy, let's talk about answer team 341B. This is their story after all.

"Answer team 341B reporting for duty sir!" Beep beamed with joy, Boop just didn't understand how Beep could be so happy and outgoing with this shit of a job at around 8 in the morning. But oh well, life is life, or some stupid quote like that, I don't know.

I'll just cut to the chase and tell you that it was yet another mission to find out "Why do I have to wear my seatbelt?". And GOD, these kids came up with the most random ass questions, but it was their job to find out, so out they went in search of why people had to put on their seatbelts to ride a goddamn car.

And so, they eventually found out, and arrived, and told Hap, and Hap replied with the same "That's actually pretty good", and they told the child whose name was Maddie? Addie? no one really cared, and she ended the call with a "Thanks storybots! You guys are the best!", and Hap eventually snapped and said "Enough dilly-dallying storybots, get back to work!" or something along those lines, the usual.

And after what seemed like a never-ending day at work, they were all on their way home in the gloomy darkness of the night.

"Dude, I swear these questions are getting more useless by the minute" Bing sighed, looking up at the starry night sky with the hopes of having his dream life one day, but with the way things were looking up right now, that was FAR from happening (At least that's what he thought)

"Well, at least we have a job Bing, let's not be too harsh on ourselves here" Bo replied patting the short, yellow midget on the shoulder.

"I'm with Bo here, stop being so uptight Bing, you just gotta love life! Because what's there not to love?" Beep exclaimed, being annoying as hell, and Bing just wasn't having it today.

Bing just mumbled a soft "Whatever" and let this one slide, because he cared for his friends at least, especially one tall, blue hunko who would run around in his mind all day, rent-free. But he obviously kept that one fact to himself, or else Bo and Beep would never shut up about it.

"Either wayyy... I sure do miss Bang, why didn't he come to work today?" Bing asked, obviously worried about his big-dicked, blue, handsome boo.

"Oh yeah, he called me today saying he wasn't feeling well, and MIRACULOUSLY Hap let him take the day off" Beep replied.

"Poor little Bang" Bo said with a pout across her purple robot face.

"I guess I can visit him tomorrow, I think I have a day off" Bing responded, already happy at just the thought of his big-dicked bae.

"You're lucky you get days off on Sundays Bing, I have to wait till Thursday, ugh, I guess that's one thing I don't love about life" Beep sighed.

"See? Now you're getting it!" Bing chuckled, nudging Beep on the shoulder.

"Whatever Mr. Emo pants, see you at work. And keep me posted on Bang tomorrow alright?" Beep requested, standing right outside Bing's doorstep.

"Will do" Bing replied. "Bye guys"

"Bye Bing"

"See you later alligator!"

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