The Party 2/2. p6

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Once they arrived to the party. It felt kind of weird, because they were invited by Takò:s friend, friends. Who they both don't know at all. Also most the people there, are not from their school. 'But oh well' they both think as they walk in the house together.

Once inside the house, Takò:s grabs Alex's hand, and drags him to the kitchen to get a drink.

Tekò:s hands him a red plastic cup, with apple juice and tequila in it. "Oh no I'm good for now, trying to stay sober to walk you home."

"Okay thanks Alex, I love you!" Tekò:s says and starts drinking the beverage she was going to give to Alex.

After about five minutes of talking in the kitchen. "Alex would you like to go to the main room with me?" Tekó:s says slurring her words because of the alcohol.

But as soon as she said that, she starts dragging Alex to the main party room.

Once they we're in the middle of the room, Tekó:s let's go of Alex's hand. But then Tekó:s gets trampled and lost in the crowd. Alex sees that Tekò:s is nowhere to be found in front of him.

'Fuck' he thinks, because Tekó: is now lost in a giant party and shes also kind of tipsy.

After a couple long minutes of searching for Tekó:s. He comes across this couch, where most people are either making out or getting high. But he sees Tekó:s sitting next to the friend that invited them over, drinking beer and is drunk to a mild point.

Alex about to walk over to the couch, and to call out for Tekó:s. But she already saw him and yells at him to come sit down.

"Alex there you are, I've been looking for you! But then, I found my friend in the kitchen, and yeah, but get over here and sit down!!"

Alex walks over to the couch and says, "Tekó:s I would love to sit down and talk, but I think it is best if we get you home, love."

Tekó:s groans and says "party pooper". But still she agrees to let him walk her home.

She stands up but when she was getting up, she stumbled. Falling forward Alex catches her, he then grabs her by her waist and wraps her arm around his neck. Alex turns to face the everyone on the couch and says.

"Thank you everyone but we are going to hit the road, see you guys later, hopefully?" He says then turns to walk out the front door, while hearing people say goodbye.

The walk home was quiet, but peaceful. Also with Tekó:s stumbling to many times. But Alex then made it to her house. Where he walks up to the front door, ask Tekó:s for her keys which are in her bag. Unlocks the door and helps her into her room.

Once they made it to her room, he helped lay her down on the bed. Alex waited a couple minutes to make sure she was asleep then he would walk home.

But when he was just about to leave, Tekó:s reached out for his hand and says "stay, please."

In that moment Alex was really tired, and Tekó:s was not letting go of his wrist anytime soon. So he sat down on her bed, pulled the bedsheet over them and they cuddled for the rest of the night.

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