0.2 she's still wearing the same clothes

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Addie formed a tight smile, "Hi Alahna." She quietly spoke, making Alahna shake her head in disbelief. Alahna looked pretty similar, more mature than she was at 13. She dressed the same, Addie noticed.

"This is crazy, how have you been, Ads?" Alahna asked, while simultaneously taking the money from Addie and getting her change around.

Addie was shocked, she figured Alahna would've hated her the most considering they had become friends the summer before 3rd grade and all. Addie had tried staying in touch with Alahna, but all she heard about was how she left the triplets texts on delivered, so she decided she had to give up Alahna too.

Addie grimaced, she hated when someone asked how she was doing because she could never be fully honest. She never felt comfortable enough to be fully honest. "I've been alright, yourself?" She politely asked back.

"A lot has happened since you left, Addie.." Alahna trailed off, handing the change across the counter. "But I would love to meet up soon and talk." She finished, surprising not only Addie but herself too.

"Really? I kinda figured you'd hate me and never want something to do with me again." Addie shrugged, missing the concerned look Alahna shot her way.

Alahna sighed slightly, "Addie, I am rightfully pissed at you don't get me wrong, but I'm sure you had your reasons. I'm willing to hear you out and see where it leaves us. But yeah, I've got some shit I need to get off my chest and I'm sure you've got a few things you need to say too." She explained calmly, making Addie nod in agreement.

Addie played with the edge of her hoodie, a nervous habit she had recently caught herself doing, before speaking. "I live in the same house as before, if you'd be interested in coming over." She softly spoke, almost afraid of saying the right thing.

"Oh you moved back? Like, for good?" Alahna asked, making Addie nod. "Okay cool, I could come over tonight around 8 when I get off." She offered, smiling at the girl across the counter.

"Sounds good, Al. I'll see you then." Addie replied, grabbing her drink and headed for the door, not sparing a glance back. Immediately cursing at herself for calling her that nickname they came up with all those years ago. While mentally beating herself up, she hadn't realized she had tears in her eyes until it was too late.

Two days back and she's already lost count of how many times she had cried. Being here brought up so many ugly emotions and feelings, she doesn't know how she'll survive.

She was walking across the street sipping on her soda, when she saw them. They were standing in their driveway, jaws dropped. Dread immediately filled her stomach, panic creeping in behind it silently. All she could do was stare back, as the tears gathered and her heartbeat quickened. They had really grown up, she thought to herself. Taking in how different but similar they all looked.

Chris had longer hair, Matt and Nick's were shorter. They had definitely grown and changed just as much as she did. The longer she stood there, the more sour their faces got.

"I'm sorry." Addie muttered, unsure of what else there is to say, before turning from the three teenagers and ran inside of her house.

"Adeline, wait!" Someone called out, freezing Addie in her spot. She hated being called her full name, it always felt too formal. She took a few deep breaths before turning sideways, her hand tightly gripping the door handle. Prepared to rip it open and disappear into what little comfort the home gave her.

She lifted her eyes to meet the voice that called out to her. Nick. Addie stood awkwardly, waiting for someone to speak. Matt and Chris were standing a few feet behind Nick now, as he had walked across her driveway to talk to her. They stopped at the edge of her steps, sharing uneasy looks.

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