Chapter 5 - First Day

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It's 7 am, and our alarms should have been blaring but for some reason, they weren't. The only alarm going off was Aunt Jenna's. "Boys you need to get a move on it. You have five minutes before you'll be late," Aunt Jenna yelled from downstairs. Only two of us had a bathroom in our rooms that's Me and Alex, Reggie ran to the hallway bathroom. We took our showers and did our hygiene as fast as we could. Then got dressed. Not having any time to grab breakfast. We ran out the front door to my 2015 Ford Ranger.

I do a little over the speed limit. Trying not to be late for our first class. I hate when people stir at you and look like they have never seen a guy walk into a class before. As we approached the school the security was about to close and lock the gates. So I honked my horn, damn near and almost made him have a heartache. I apologized and asked him to let us in. I explained to him it was our first day and he let us slide for today. I parked the car and hauled ass to our lockers to get the books we needed then power walked to our classes.

When I got to my first class I saw one of the girls that was in the music room when we came to get our schedules. She looked amazing, her beautiful Curly hair went passed her shoulders, her hazel-brown eyes, and her sexy lips. I was mesmerized by her. walking toward the teacher who was leaning on his desk, I handed him my schedule, he looked at it and said, "You can sit by Julie, Julie can you raise your hand please," he said as he pointed to the beautiful girl with sexy lips. I made my way to her as she was talking to her friend.

As the class went on, all I could do was still glance at her. When the teacher called my name, "Lucas? Can you solve this problem?" I instantly looked at the board, "it's 6," I said with no hesitation. "That's right, but can you keep your eyes on the board instead of Julie or is it ms Flynn you looking at?" Mr Jones said embarrassing me. I turned red and put my head in my notebook for the rest of the class.

As the bell rang to go to the next class. I grabbed my books and practically ran to my locker to meet up with Alex and Reggie. When I got there they were barely getting out of their first period together. I waited for them because we all had the second period together. "Hey bro, how was your first period without us?" It sucked I thought. "It was cool bro, I saw both of the girls again. They have my first-period class. The teacher completely embarrassed me," I said. "Will honestly bro, if her friend is as fine as she is," I stopped him. "They're coming this way," Luke said hiding in his locker.

The girls stopped and said, "So which one of us were you looking at?" They said as I took a breath and pulled my head out of my locker. I smiled and said "Sorry Julie," I paused as Flynn looked a little bit saddened. I smiled and finished. "Sorry, you are so beautiful that I couldn't keep my eyes off you," I said with a sexy grin. "That was corny," she said. "Well wanted to talk to you guys about music class, we have three assignments, 1. We have to do three performances, 2. One original song and two other songs of our choice, 3. A boy-girl duet," Julie said.

"OK, but can we talk about this during lunch? It's our first day can't be late to any of our classes," Luke said trying to get away from Julie before he said something really stupid. "Yeah, we have to go to class too. So we will see you at lunch. We can meet here and go together if you want?" Julie asked no one in particular. "Ok cool," said Alex as everyone went to their second period. Our second period was slow and I hate science, unlike Reggie who secretly loves it. The third and fourth were ok.

Now it's lunchtime and I'm happy to see what some of the songs the girls came up with. As we said we met at the boy's lockers. Flynn and I were there first so we had a little girl talk until the guys got here. "So Luke's friend with the red flannel is hot," Flynn said talking about Reggie. "I can see you with him," I said because Flynn hardly likes any guys at this school. "Yeah me too," Flynn replied with a smile. "They're coming, hey guys," Julie said as they put their books and stuff in their lockers. "Hey," Reggie said trying not to look so hard at Flynn. "So we usually just doordash food and eat it in the music room. Are you guys cool with that?" Julie said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, we're cool with that," Luke said with a cool head nod. We headed to the music room with Reggie and Luke checking us out all the way. "Can you guys stop anytime now," Alex said irritated. "What are we doing," Reggie and Luke asked smiling playfully. "OK, guys we're here," the girls said as they opened the door and let everyone in. "So we were thinking that we could do a Parker band song to start us off, then a duet, and then finally do the solo with everyone involved but only singing back up," what do you guys think? We asked the guys. "Have you guys thought about what Parker song you wanted to do yet? Alex asked, so I guess they agreed with the arrangements. "We were thinking Stand Tall," we said together laughing.

"What's so funny?" Reggie asked confused. "It's just Parker looks hot in the video," says Julie. "Speak for yourself the bass player is even hotter," Flynn said giddy. Not knowing that the two guys they were talking about were standing right in front of them. The boys were feeling themselves. "Can we finger out other songs we will sing please," Alex said looking at Reggie and Luke. "Yeah, we need to figure that out?" Julie said. "How about we meet at my house I have a big garage on the side of my house that we could practice and write in," Julie said. "Ok, sounds good. But won't your parents be mad if you guys over, most parents are strict with their daughters," Alex asked concerned. "No mine are cool." Then the bell rang, time to go to our fifth period. Which was exactly where we were, music class. The rest of the day went smoothly.

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