Hate Because

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Hate Because

Female!OC x Theo Raeken


a brief intro

Darcy Harmont liked her life in Beacon Hills- her friends, her aunt, her pack- but sometimes she really despised it. After being turned into a werewolf at the beginning of last year, her sophomore year, she had been thrown into a world where the supernatural was the everyday normal. In just roughly two semesters, she'd gone up against an alpha pack, a nogitsune (an evil fox spirit), a hunter that had been turned into a werejaguar, and a supernatural hit list. Exhausting, to say the least. 

Given all that had happened so far, she laughed at the idea that her junior year would run smoothly. She wasn't naive, or at least she didn't think she was; she knew she would end up skipping class to go fight some big evil or turning in assignments late because she'd been up the night before roaming the Beacon Hills Preserve. This year would be the same as the last: her struggling to balance staying alive, her schoolwork, and everything else happening in her life. In all honesty, she was getting a little tired of it, and she had only been in town for barely a year.  So no, Darcy wasn't naive, but that didn't stop a small part of her from hoping this year would be different. 

Unfortunately, she ended up being completely right. Beacon Hills had given them its all this time. From Dread Doctors to chimeras, the pack was fighting tooth and nail not to die and struggling to stay together. It all seemed to be falling apart, except a new piece on Stiles's chessboard was helping make things easier to bear: Theo Raeken. With his perfect smile and the obnoxious tendency to read Darcy like a book, she was drawn to him like a moth to a flame, no matter how much she tried to ignore her feelings. It didn't help that the way he acted was familiar, like a fond memory, even though she was pretty sure she'd never met him before. 

Either way, none of it mattered, not when Darcy found out that she'd been living a lie this entire time. 


In which, the girl who trusts too easily falls for the boy who shouldn't be trusted at all. 



Maia Mitchel  as Darcy Harmont

Maia Mitchel  as Darcy Harmont

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