Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Oliver & Miles)

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Scene 6

We're at the theater and Oliver has asked Miles to wear appropriate clothing for this show. "Oliver, I appreciate the clothes that you picked out, but are you sure this is necessary?" Miles asked. Oliver looking with determination assured Miles that this was appropriate clothing. "This isn't your typical movie theater," Oliver said. "This is one of those Broadway shows like the ones in New York that you always tell me about. So I do believe it is appropriate to wear such attire."

From what Miles was wearing, he had on a collared shirt, a pair of khakis, and shoes to match his outfit. They head into the theater to find their seats. "Oh, almost forgot to get a photo of us," Oliver said. He takes out his phone, snaps a few pics with Miles, and sends them to him. "Magnificent shots," Oliver said. Miles was thinking, "Why does he overact? He must really love theater."

The lights go dim and the show begins. The Broadway show they're seeing is "West Side Story." It is set in the 1950s in New York City, and it revolves around two rival gangs, the Jets and the Sharks. Miles has seen this before in film, but never in a theater like the one he went to. It didn't pique his interest, however, but Oliver was enjoying every moment of it. They both knew they wouldn't stay for the whole show, but Oliver might do that. Who knows. "Ah, nothing like a good show at the theater to relax at ease," Oliver quietly said. "Miles, have you heard of this story before?" Miles told him that he had seen it once. He wasn't a huge fan of it because his mother comes from Puerto Rico. "My mom likes this, though," Miles said. "She used to watch it when she was young. She even understood the story behind it." Oliver was impressed by Miles's response.

As the show goes on, Miles wonders more about his mom. She must have gone through similar things that the Sharks have gone through. Minus the musical and the snaps that were in this theater. They are about halfway into the musical until the intermission. After the intermission, Miles was going to hang out with Zee. Let's just hope Oliver doesn't make him stay for the whole show. "Oliver, why exactly did you pick a theater to do something today?" Miles asked. Oliver explained that he wanted to give Miles some culture in his life. "It's a way of trying something new as a teen," Oliver said. "Doing just one thing is not impressive enough. It's a way of expressing yourself. I get it's hard to do sometimes, but it's the way of life." Miles had thought about what Oliver had said. Maybe Oliver was right. Miles only enjoyed art, basketball, music, and other things, but trying something new is a way of life. To Miles, he would like to express more culture to himself. But still, Miles was enjoying himself. Both Oliver and Miles continued to watch the musical until the intermission.

Scene 7

After the Intermission, Miles and Oliver head out to the lobby of the area. "Well, Miles," Oliver said. "I hope you enjoyed at least the first part of the show. Thank you for coming with me today." Miles replied, "It's no problem." Oliver then asks who he's hanging with next. Miles told him he was hanging with Zee next.

Oliver being who he is was disgusted just by hearing the name Zee. "Really? Zee?" Oliver said. Miles asks why Oliver doesn't like Zee. "Well, to answer your question, Miles," Oliver said. "She and I are considered rivals in theater. She always gets to be a better performer than me. Did I ever tell you about a spat I've had with her? We both had shows at school on the same night but in different theaters. I was hoping to be better, but we ended up battling it out." Miles seemed to get an understanding of Zee and Oliver's rivalry. Both of them are good, but Zee is better than Oliver.

"Miles, would you consider me to be a great performer?" Oliver asks. Miles gives a look that says he doesn't want to answer that question. He didn't want to hurt Oliver's feelings or Zee's feelings for that matter. They were both kind to Miles. "Well, I don't want to offend anyone," Miles said. "You're both very talented, I will say that. Plus, on an unrelated note, you and her must've been rivals for a long time now. It sounds like you and her have some similarities towards each other." Miles was trying his best to not hurt anyone because he cared for both Oliver and Zee.

That's when someone shouted, "There's no way that me and him are similar to each other, Miles." Miles looks around to see Zee in front of them. "That was a good answer, by the way," she said. "About which one was the better performer." Oliver looks at her. "Well, he probably didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings if that makes you feel better," Oliver said. Zee was annoyed with Oliver's response. "Well, of course, that's why he said that," Zee said. "But deep down, I'm the better performer." Oliver was annoyed by Zee's response still. The two had a spat for a while until Miles interrupted them.

"Look, guys, you're both equally talented," Miles said. "I know you won't work together, but sometimes you just need to put your differences aside and not cause any fights." They looked at Miles and they smiled softly at him. "Miles is right," Oliver said. "I guess our rivalry will continue, but we shouldn't be fighting often. Only when necessary." That wasn't what Miles was getting at when he said that. At least the spat stopped.

"Well, you two better get going," Oliver said. "It's already 11:55, and you don't want to miss out on your not-so-fun day." Miles and Zee look at the time. "Oh boy, Oliver's right," Miles said. "We better get going to wherever we need to be." Zee softly smiled and said, "Not to worry. We won't be late for this performance." Zee grabs Miles's arm and they begin to walk. As they walked, Oliver was going back to finish the show going on. He continues to overact his way to the seats. Miles secretly launches a web to Oliver's face so he doesn't have to hear the overacting. Zee looked behind to see what had happened and tried her best not to laugh. She goes to hug Miles and thank him. They walk out of the theater and onto the next adventure.

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