Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scenes 15-17 & Ending Scene)

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Scene 15

The crowd continues to cheer on the heroes who saved the boardwalk. As they continue to walk out, they head over into an alleyway. They all talk amongst themselves. 

"Spider-man, thank you for your assistance once again," Batgirl said. "Yeah, you were amazing dude," Supergirl continues. "With you in Metropolis, our enemies will not stand a chance against you." The Girls have welcomed Spider-man into their arms since he's a hero to everyone in Metropolis now. 

"Spider-man, you're more than welcome to come back to our base if you'd like," Bumblebee said. Spider-Man feels like it's a wise idea to do, but that would reveal his identity to them, so he has to decline the offer. He still thanks them for the offer. 

Everyone except for Wonder Woman and Spider-Man starts to head back. When everyone left, Diana and Miles decided to talk. "Miles, I thank you for your assistance today," Diana said. She was happy that Miles showed up. "I understand the struggle you're going through, and I, along with my sisters, would like to help you," she continued. "And I am proud that you have made the right decision. I want to continue helping you find that balance with you and your alter ego." 

She puts a hand on his shoulder. "If you allow me to help you," she said. Miles didn't know how long he would be in this universe, but he will have to take what he can get. "I can accept that Diana. Thank you for your help," he said. They both went for an embrace. 

After they released themselves, Miles continued to talk. "But the other thing is, I'm gonna need help to try to get back to my universe, and I'm gonna need help from your friends," he said. "That's why I'm asking you to get them to the top of a roof tonight, and I'll find them. I need to reveal my identity to them." Since he knows that Diana's friends are superheroes like him, he's going to need all the help that he can get. Diana understood what Miles was saying, and she agreed to help him. They both went on their separate ways.

Scene 16

Back on Earth 1610, Gwen was looking at some photos of her and Miles. They were happy photos. She wasn't feeling her happy self ever since he was sucked into that wormhole. She was worried that he might not even be alive right now. One thing is for certain, she needed to be positive about Miles surviving. 

Peter B. Parker walks in. "You ok, Gwen?" he asks her. She looks at him in worry. "No. I'm really worried about Miles right now," she said. "We've been through a lot of situations like this, but this is completely different." 

Peter understands how she feels right now. The problem is he doesn't know what to say. He tries to come up with a way to make her feel better. "Look, I understand Gwen. Losing someone this close to you is hard," Peter said. "But you can't give up now. You have a lot of fight in you, and so does Miles. You can't give up. He wouldn't want you to give up on him. We're going to find him. I promise." 

Gwen feels better about this. Peter comes in and puts his hand on her shoulder to show comfort. All of a sudden, Gwen's watch started to beep. "Looks like someone must have found Miles," she said all eager. She picks it up and on the other line, it's Spider-Woman. 

"Hey, Gwen. Is this a good time to talk?" she asks. Gwen replies about what, and Spider-Woman says it's about Miles's disappearance. Both Gwen and Peter look at each other. Gwen asks Peter to get Miles's parents in the room so they can know about Miles's whereabouts. Gwen gives off a soft smile knowing that Miles was alright.

Scene 17

Back on Earth 1, The Superhero Girls are on the rooftop of one of the buildings. "Why exactly are we here, Diana?" Kara asks. "I feel like we could be doing other things right now than just being in this building." Diana then explains everything about meeting Spider-man here and that he wants to tell us something important. 

"What does Spider-man want with us anyway?" Zee asks. Jessica answers her question. "I'm not sure what it is that he wants, but I bet it's good," she said. The girls begin to question what Spider-man could want with them. Miles overhears their conversations in camouflage mode. He moves down quietly to everyone and then reveals himself as Spider-Man. The girls don't see him, unfortunately. He shoots a web on the ground to get their attention. Everyone was surprised to see him there. 

"Hey, everyone," he said. "I know this is an unusual meeting spot, but I'd figure it would be best to meet here." Everyone except Diana looks at each other in confusion. "So Spider-man, what is it exactly that you want from us?" Babs asks. "Whenever we are around, you help us, but when we offer you a place to stay, you turn it down," Kara said. "But why is it that you need our help?" Zee said. Miles knew this wasn't exactly where it was heading. 

He looks at Diana, and she gives him a serious look as if saying you can do this. He looks back at the rest and continues to talk. "Well, I only turned down the offers because I was afraid of revealing my identity to all of you, but it looks like I need to do that," he said. Jess interrupts him. "So you didn't want to reveal your identity? You have a right to trust us, you know," she said. Then Karen speaks up. "Girls, we can't just roast onto Spider-man like that. He helped us so many times. Maybe there was a reason he wanted to keep his identity hidden. Please, continue Spider-man," she said. Miles was surprised by Karen sticking up for him. 

"There was a reason, and you're not going to believe me when I say it," he continued. "I'm not from this universe. I'm actually from another universe" Everyone except for Diana was surprised to hear this. Then Diana speaks. "I put the lasso of truth on him, and he speaks the truth. He is from another universe," she said. The girls were still in shock by all of this. Miles continues to talk. "The reason I didn't team up with anyone is because I wasn't sure who to trust. But now that I think of it, I need people to trust me. To help me get back home," he said. The girls had no idea about this. 

That's when Miles took off his mask to reveal himself. Everyone but Diana was in shock to see Miles's face. "I'm Miles Morales. But you already knew that," he said. "And I am Spider-man." The girl's jaws dropped completely after seeing all of this. No one knew what to say or do. They weren't sure how to respond to this, but maybe they could trust Miles after he revealed himself, and that he could get their help.

The title shows up here

End Scene

In an unknown building, Giganta, Livewire, Star Sapphire, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman appear at the front. They're all meeting with their boss. "We have a little problem," Catwoman said. "It appears there's a new superhero in town. His name is Spider-Man. We've tried to defeat him, but he's smarter and stronger than us. We're going to need some help." 

The unknown figure offers to help them by having one of his allies appear. "She's a new ally, but she will be useful to you," the figure said. "Take her along with you." Everyone nods. The girls walk out to get with their new ally. She's working on a machine. 

"We need your help," Catwoman said. "There's a new superhero named Spider-Man, and he's been stopping us from here to there." The female figure walks right up to them. "What did you say?" she asked. The figure gives a look of anger. "Spider-Man," Catwoman said. "He's a new hero in town, and we need help." The figure is then revealed to be Dr. Octavius. "Tell me where he is," Dr. Octavius said.

Cuts to black

End of Episode 2

Into the Multiverse (DC Superhero Girls x Spiderverse) (Episodes 1-6)(On Hold)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang