Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scenes 6-8)

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Scene 6

It's now Sunday morning at the Morales building. Miles is still asleep in bed, but Gwen comes in to wake him up for breakfast, and eventually, he wakes up. He stretches his arms out, gets out of bed, and heads straight to the dining room table. He sees pancakes, syrup, bacon, eggs, sausage, fruit, and coffee on the table. Miles grabs a plate for him and for Gwen. Both Rio and Jefferson are up as well since they made breakfast for them. 

As they sit down, Miles asks Gwen if she slept on that couch. She did find it uncomfortable at first, but then started to relax a bit and then slept fine. Jefferson overhears this and asks, "Miles, did you tell her the couch was uncomfortable?" Miles responded with a jitter, "There's a chance I told her, there's a chance I may not have told her." Jefferson says, "You told her." Miles replies weakly, "Yeah I did." Jefferson was sitting on the couch and he didn't find it uncomfortable at all. He was pretty much relaxed. 

Meanwhile, Rio was speaking Spanish to Jefferson about how the couch was uncomfortable as well, and Gwen agreed with her in the Spanish language. Miles was caught off guard by this, and so were his parents. "Since when did Gwen learn Spanish?" Miles had thought to himself. That's when Rio and Gwen were having a conversation in Spanish. Miles seemed to have understood what they were saying to each other. Jefferson asks Miles, "Did you know she spoke Spanish?" Miles did not have a clue that Gwen spoke his language. She must have learned it to surprise him. After all that, Rio had said that she and Jefferson would be out of the apartment all day and that Miles and Gwen could have the place to themselves for today. They both like the idea of that and thank them. 

Soon, Jefferson gets a call at the station saying he needs to be down there, so he kisses Rio and tells Miles he loves him. Miles replied with I love you too Dad. That put a smile on Jefferson's face. Rio then heads out afterward to go to the hospital for today. Soon, it was just Miles and Gwen alone in the house. Miles asks, "Any thoughts on what you want to do?" Gwen puts a smile on her face and says, "I have some ideas."

Scene 7

We head back to Metropolis. It is now 10 am. The girls are now planning to head to the boardwalk soon to enjoy some fun and games before school starts back up for them. As they walked to the boardwalk, Diana was checking in on Karen after what she told everyone yesterday. "Are you feeling better after what I told you the other day, Karen?" Diana asks. Karen responds with a smile that she feels good about the talk yesterday. But in her mind, she still thinks there's more to life than being a hero. 

Just as they're walking towards the boardwalk, Kara's superhearing abilities tell her that there's an attack on Metropolis Mall. She then says, "Guys, we're gonna have to wait on the Boardwalk. I'm hearing trouble at the mall." With everyone disappointed, they suit up and head towards Metropolis Mall. 

When they get to the mall, they see Giganta, Poison Ivy, Live Wire, Catwoman, and Star Sapphire damaging the mall. Diana warns them to stop damaging the mall, but they refuse to listen and are about to start a brawl with them. That's when the fight is about to break out.

Scene 8

Back on Earth 1610, both Miles and Gwen are preparing to go to lunch at their favorite place. Gwen is still looking at Miles making sure he's ok after their conversation last night. She checks on him to make sure, and he seems to be smiling. But in his mind, he still wonders what life would be like if his ego would not get in the way. Along the way out to lunch, police cops show up and are heading in the direction that Miles and Gwen are going. Miles looks at Gwen and says, "That doesn't look good." Then Miles gets a call from Jefferson and says that we need Spider-Man on the scene. 

"Guess we're gonna have to get a quick bite then," Gwen said. They both then head to the back alley and suit up as Spider-Man. Swinging on their webs, they head over to the scene. Along the way, Miles gets 2 hot dogs from a hot dog stand and drops a ten to the cashier. The cashier keeps it along with the change. Both Miles and Gwen take bites out of the hot dogs quickly as they arrive at the scene where the cops are. Miles is looking for his dad and spots him in the middle of the area. He heads on over and Gwen follows. 

"So what are we dealing with today, Officer Davis?" Spider-Man (Miles) says this to not break his identity of being Spider-Man to the rest of the cops. Jefferson says to Spider-Man hesitantly, "Well, we're not sure exactly what it is Spider-Man, but from what I can tell, it's not good." Miles then looks at the door and sees an unfamiliar figure. From what he can tell, the figure is male, holding some sort of staff, and tall. Miles then grabs a megaphone and says, "Look, whatever trouble you caused, you need to pay for your actions. So just lower the staff and we can-" Miles gets cut off by the figure. "I've been looking for you Spider-Man." Spider-Man (Miles) then points to himself and says in confusion, "Me?" The figure then opens the door and reveals himself. "Yes, you. You are the only Spider-Man here aren't you?" the figure says. Both Spider-Man (Miles) and Ghost Spider (Gwen) look at each other with questionable looks on their faces. "First off, who are you? And how do you know who I am?" Spider-Man then asks the man. He then reveals himself to be named 'World Collider' and he's giving him a gift.

Cut to Black

Into the Multiverse (DC Superhero Girls x Spiderverse) (Episodes 1-6)(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now