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Kanak couldn't help but keep her eyes shifting between Ayaan and Rahul, who were engrossed in their books.

However, she couldn't ignore the fact that Rahul looked incredibly handsome and she found herself completely captivated by him. The way he adjusted his glasses and turned the pages of his book had her completely lost in her thoughts.

In the midst of this, Ayaan finally put his book down and glanced at his watch before looking at Kanak, who was clearly fixated on Rahul.

Ayaan frowned and then turned his gaze towards Rahul, who seemed completely oblivious to Kanak's stare. Ayaan knew his friend well enough to understand that Rahul was completely absorbed in his studies and it was difficult to distract him.

"Kanak," Ayaan called out, bringing her back to reality. Kanak looked at Ayaan, slightly dazed.

"You should leave. Go apologize to Daksh and Roshni. It's getting late, and if you're going to mom's place, come back here. I'll drop you off," Ayaan said. Kanak nodded, finally snapping out of her thoughts about Rahul. However, her mind was still occupied with him.

She quickly left the apartment, while Ayaan snatched Rahul's book and glared at him.

"What?" Rahul asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Nothing," Ayaan replied after a moment of silence.

"I was just checking if you were alive. Why don't you go back home... and..." Ayaan paused, looking around and getting lost in his own thoughts.

Did I see it correctly, or am I just misinterpreting the situation? Rahul is a very principled person, and he would never be interested in Kanak. Even if he did like her, he would never accept her. I know he wants someone who can help at home and assist his mother with her bakery. There's no way he would consider marrying Kanak or even date her . His family means everything to him, and he would never let his sister be influenced by Kanak.

He may not say anything to me, but I know he dislikes girls who are into partying, going to clubs, drinking, and wearing revealing clothes... I'm absolutely certain that he would never fall in love with Kanak.

And what's wrong with this girl? Why was she looking at him with those adoring eyes?

" Are you going to say something or not "

Rahul's words brought Ayaan back to reality. "Just be careful. I'll see you tomorrow," Ayaan replied as Rahul left his house.

Ayaan silently prayed, "I hope I'm wrong about this. I don't want my sister to fall for him. He's not the boyfriend type, he's all about marriage and commitment."

"Don't get your hopes up, Kanak. You're not his type," Ayaan muttered sadly, unable to express his concerns for his sister to her directly.


Kanak arrived at Daksh's apartment, but her mind was elsewhere. She couldn't stop thinking about the way Rahul had leaned in closer to her, how he pulled her near, and how he flipped through the pages with his veiny hands holding the heavy book.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Daksh's voice snapped her back to reality. She glanced around before meeting Daksh's gaze.

"So, you do remember you can knock," Daksh remarked, and ,her cheeks become red due to embarrassment recalling how she found him with Roshni.

"I'm sorry. I should have knocked," she muttered. Daksh opened the door wider, allowing her to enter.

"I made dinner. Your sister-in-law isn't coming out of the room because she's embarrassed," Daksh said, standing in front of Kanak.

"Then you shouldn't have spanked her, right?" Kanak muttered to herself, but she yelped loudly when Daksh's hand landed on her thigh.

She stared at him with wide eyes, rubbing her thigh.

"That should be the last time. You'll knock before entering a room. You don't know the basics, Kanak. You can't just barge into a husband and wife's room like that."

Kanak rolled her eyes but nodded, not in the mood to argue. Her mind was already preoccupied, making her irritable, and Daksh wasn't helping.

"Daksh, I'll go back," Kanak mumble. Daksh sighed and held her hand.

"Stay, I'm not kicking you out. But remember to knock next time. It's important," Daksh said, patting her head.

"Tell my bhabhi she doesn't need to be embarrassed," Kanak mumbled, feeling embarrassed herself.

"She's fine," Daksh mumbled, heading into his room.

"Khushi is crying," Roshni's voice interrupted. Kanak met Roshni eyes and Roshni's face turned red.

Roshni tried to escape, but Daksh grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the couch.

"No need to hide, baccha," Daksh whispered, making Kanak cringe.

"Stop with these nicknames. I might just throw up," Kanak thought to herself, shuddering.

Kanak glanced at Roshni with an awkward expression. The tension between them continued to escalate until Kanak finally made the decision to apologize.

" Bhabhi, I'm so.."

" Don't, just forget about it," Roshni mumbled, and without waiting for Kanak's response, she ran off to her room.

"Daksh, I'm going home. Mom called me," Kanak mumbled, not bothering to see if Daksh heard her before leaving his apartment.

Lost in her thoughts, she rode her scooty home.

"Mom," Kanak called out, searching for her mother in their small library.

Her mother was asleep, holding a book.

Kanak was about to approach her when her father appeared and closed the door behind her.

"Let her sleep. She hardly gets any. Have you had dinner?" Akansh asked, and Kanak pouted, hugging her father.

"Why don't you show this care when mom is awake?" Kanak asked. Akansh chuckled and hugged her back.

"I've made a lot of mistakes in the past that are unforgivable. I'm sorry you had to witness our argument. If it's too much for you, I can talk to Ayaan. We can move your things to his house," he offered.

Kanak shook her head, looking up at him. He lovingly caressed her face and kissed her forehead.

"You know, Daksh scolded bhabhi because she didn't eat. Who does that, dad? I don't want to live with them. I don't want to be scolded for not eating," Kanak said in a resigned tone.

Akansh chuckled and gently pinched Kanak's cheeks.

"He just cares for her."

"Have you ever scolded mom for not eating?" Kanak asked, resting her head on his chest.

Akansh's hand paused in her hair, and he stared straight ahead at the wall.

" Why did you eat without asking for permission. " Akansh shouted throwing pillow on floor which Dakshita was clutching due to being scared and hungry.

" I don't eat, your mother snatched that plate from me. " Dakshita said timidly. Akansh sat on bed and glared at her shaking figure.

" Now don't you dare to come to me crying when mom doesn't give you food for some day. And if your stomach hurts then just go somewhere else where I can't see you. I don't wanna hear your crying or other shit at night. "


" Dad "

Akansh shook his head bringing himself to present world. He again peck his daughter's forehead.

" Come I will heat up the spaghetti I tasted it. It's amazing. "

Kanak nodded her head and follow her father to kitchen happily.

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