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I stood calmly in front of my class, which had just ended a minute ago. My gaze was fixed on my crush... How gracefully he walked, I like him so much.

I let out a soft sigh, smiling in his direction.

"He is handsome," someone said from behind. I nodded in agreement.

"He is a top student," I responded once again by nodding my head.

"He is very popular among the girls," I agreed, although slightly annoyed by this fact.

"And you don't like him," I heard that voice say. I huffed and replied with a firm " I like him ."

"And I didn't ask the dean to cancel your suspension so you can stare at a boy here who changes girlfriends like clothes."

I turned around to see Daksh bhaiya standing there, arms folded across his chest.

"Save your love and go to your next class," he said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't tease me," I said, and left for my next class. First, he ruined my holiday due to the suspension, and now he didn't even let me watch my crush. What a headache.

I decided to skip my other class. Only one class was left, and since the guards wouldn't let me leave through the college door, I would use the backside wall.

Carefully, I climbed onto the wall using a nearby tree. I threw my bag to the other side and cautiously attempted to climb down. I was expecting to land on the hard floor, but instead, I landed on something soft, or rather, someone's arm.

I opened my eyes, feeling someone holding me. I looked up from his neck. I'm not a pervert, otherwise, I would have been tracing this well-built body.

I met the familiar pair of eyes, which initially irritated me. But soon, irritation turned into embarrassment. I had been crying like a baby in his arms. Oh God, why did I have to be helped by this irritating person?

Soon, I realized his hand was wrapped around my body. I started to wiggle, but his grip only tightened.

"Ma'am, I suggest you not to move too much," He said, but I managed to free myself from his hold and sat, placing my hand on his chest.

"If you are able to stand up, please do so. My body may have its own reaction despite my good control," he said, and I promptly stood up.

"Pervert," I muttered.

"No, ma'am, I am not. By the way, why are you running away like this?" he asked.

"Who are you to ask?" I snapped angrily.

"In whose arms were you crying just a few days ago?" he teased, making a mocking face.

"Busted... I never cried, and if you bring this up again, I will kill you," I said, collecting my belongings from the floor.

"Do you want to talk?" he asked, helping me pick up my things.

"Shut up, this is none of your concern, you strange freak," I retorted.

"Come on, Kanak, no one cries in a stranger's arms," he continued teasing.

Now he was teasing me. I had to run from here, or else I would be in trouble if someone saw me.

Without answering him, I started walking towards the bus stand.

"Let me drop you home," he offered, but I tightly held onto my bag and tried to run. However, he grabbed my t-shirt and pulled me towards the college gate.

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