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" Kanak, please come to my office tomorrow. I will assist you with your schedule and classes. You can stay at Ayaan's place so I can drop you off at college," Daksh announced, making his presence known to them.

"I'm fine, I will call you once I reach college. You don't need to worry, I will complete the procedure as well."

"Why are you afraid? Yes, there are some ghosts in my apartment, but that lady ghost has been living there for like a hundred years. I don't think she will leave my apartment anytime soon," Ayaan said, trying to hide his smile.

She gave him a side-eye before rolling her eyes.

"I'm not scared of some stupid ghost," she said, standing up and leaving her couch.

"Goodbye, I'm going to sleep. Good night, brother," she said, attempting to run away.

"Wait, Kanak... Ayaan, take her with you. What's the problem? Isn't your apartment big enough for two people? After the procedures are done in college, take her to the hospital, get her sample, and send it for testing," their mother instructed. Ayaan opened his mouth to respond but stopped when Kanak pinched his arm.


"Deny her," Kanak whispered.

"Mom, I will take her, but she has to agree. She is not ready to come." Ayaan said looking at his mother . He turned to kanak and said with sweetness in his voice." If you want to come with me, bring your bag with clothes or anything," Ayaan said as Kanak shook her head.

"Mom, I don't want to go."

"Kanak, tomorrow I have some important work and will be busy. Your father will come after two days, just for a day," her mother explained. Kanak looked between Daksh and Ayaan, then towards her mom.

"I'm going to play with Khushi," she said, running towards her room to get her bag.

"Ayaan, take a blood sample to check if she has any drugs in her body."

"What?" Ayaan exclaimed, looking at his mother with wide eyes.

"Yes," she confirmed, then looked towards Daksh, who was not paying attention, just scrolling on his phone.

"Have you forgotten your manners, Daksh?" His mother comments a little angry.

"Yes," Daksh responded. Ayaan looked at his mom, then towards Daksh, sensing something was wrong.



"Kanak, hurry up or you'll be late," Ayaan said, placing the pratha on her plate.

"Who taught you how to cook? I can't eat this much early in the morning. For God's sake, keep this away and just give me some fucking biscuits and coffee," Kanak replied, frustrated.

"Miss Kanak, for your own well-being, please mind your language in front of Daksh. And no, you can't have that. Here's your lunch. You're not going to eat something from the canteen," Ayaan said, handing her the lunch box.

"Are you going to marry a girl or a boy? Why are you doing things that Mom should do? Don't you have work? Go and do your own work. I don't need this childish lunch box. Back in school, I used to eat in the canteen. No one used to bring this lunch thing. I'm not taking it with me," Kanak complained.

"Kanak... I'm your elder brother. At least listen to me once. Why do you keep defying me? It's not right. Take your lunch and finish your breakfast," Ayaan asked, not so softly getting upset by her behavior and tone.

Kanak rolled her eyes as Ayaan walked towards the kitchen with his back facing her. She quickly put the remaining breakfast in her lunch box.

"I can't eat this much, and don't expect me to act like a ten year old girl. I'm not ten anymore The change should be understandable ." she mumbled, gulping down her coffee.

"Are you done?" Ayaan asked.

"Yes, can we go now?" Kanak asked, as Ayaan took out his phone to message Daksh.

"Wait for a minute, Daksh will pick you up. Best of luck for your first day of college. Make a lot of friends," Ayaan said, ruffling her hair.

Soon, Daksh entered, holding Khushi in his arms.

Khushi looked towards Ayaan, opening her arms.

" Papa " Khushi called ayaan.

Ayaan chuckled as he took Khushi from Daksh's hold.

"Say it again," Ayaan said, pulling her cheeks.

"Papa," Khushi said, showing her two front teeth.

"Enough, give her to me," Kanak said, snatching Khushi from Ayaan.

Khushi looked at her with big doe eyes.

"Say didi," Kanak said happily, but Khushi grabbed Kanak's hair in her grip.

"Mumma," Khushi said, making Kanak laugh.

" Don't you teach her new words? She's over one, right? Kiddo, why are you calling me mumma? But leave it, since you said it, I'll bring chocolate for you," Kanak said, peaking Khushi's cheeks. Khushi giggled in response.

"Let's go, you'll be late. You wanted to meet her, that's why I brought her. Ayaan, give her back to Roshni."

In college

"Hey, here's your schedule. You can grab your books from counter number five, and your classroom is on the third floor. But don't worry about attending today, we're done with the procedures. You know where Ayaan works, right? Go to him, he'll collect your sample and you can show him this form," Daksh explained, handing her the paper.

Confused, she asked, "What is this for?"

"This needs to be submitted here to confirm that you're fit and fine. Ayaan will also give you a check-up. Here's some money for a cab. I can't take you with me, I have class," Daksh replied before leaving her alone.

She glanced at the paper and then watched as he disappeared.

"Why am I always stuck here? It feels like I'm constantly being watched. Finally, I have some alone time. I'll take my sweet time getting to the hospital, no rush," Kanak muttered to herself as she walked out of the college premises.


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