15 ✭

78 3 0

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜

We decided to stay at home, since it was their day off before the concert that was tomorrow. The hours slipped by as we shared laughter and stories, catching up on the things we missed.

As the afternoon waned into evening, we all agreed on pizza for dinner, not realizing how much time had flown by in each other's company. Bill and I had been together all day that it had passed in the blink of an eye.

"So how's everything with Pablo Y/N? Bill said while peeking small glances at me as he scratched his chin.

The question was really out of nowhere, I mean since when did Bill care so much about Pablo..? Wasn't he just my manager and that's it?

"Uh.. everything is going great actually? He's showing efforts and I'm definitely thinking of giving him a second chance." I replied, frowning my eyebrows in confusion to his random question.

In the background, Georg and Gustav's heated debate with Tom escalated, their voices rising in German as they accused him of cheating at the video games, causing a ruckus that filled the room.

"You're a fucking cheater! and you have the audacity to accuse us you fucker!" Georg said, pointing his index finger towards Tom.

Tom, clearly unfazed by the accusations, raised his hands in a calming gesture, attempting to defuse the situation. He then changed the subject as he walked over and sat next to me, his brow furrowed up.

"Wait, by the way, Y/N! How come your friend Lucine, or whatever her name is, is ghosting me?" Tom asked, disbelief etched across his face as he fiddled with his lip piercing.

"Maybe because you were a jerk to her Tom now she's getting back at you and it's Lucille." I replied, a light chuckle escaping my lips.

Georg lounged comfortably in the cluttered living room, his laughter echoing off the walls as he teased Tom about his recent stop.

"That's why you don't get no bitches lately?" Georg replied at his place, placing his arms over Tom's head playfully.

Tom shot Georg a sharp side-eye, his cheeks flushing with irritation as he swatted away Georg's teasing arms.

"Shut the fuck up! I can get any girl right now if I want!" He remarked, his expression getting angrier.

I stood by silently, exchanging knowing glances with Bill, as we both munched on popcorn, observing the drama.

"Anyways! If she wants to play that game tell her to bring it on." Tom's frustration peaked as he pointed an accusatory finger at me, his voice rising before he stormed off upstairs, muttering in German.

Gustav and Georg both sighed, their expressions used to the way with Tom's temperamental nature.

"He's not getting any right now.. usually he would just brush it off but maybe that girl got stuck into his mind." Gustav remarked

"That's why the house was awfully quiet lately.." Bill replied in realization.

The doorbell's chime broke the tension, prompting me to rise and retrieve the pizza delivery, exchanging cash for the warm, aromatic box. As I made my way back to the living room, placing it on the table.

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