It had been a few days since the lunch at the Malfoy's. Y/n decided to take a trip to the Bletchley household. Miles' home was big on pureblood supremacy and she knew Miles hated being home during the summer. She jumped through the fireplace, arriving to the home in Ireland. "Y/n!" said Mrs. Bletchley with a smile. "How are you, dear?"

"I'm well, thank you! How are you Mrs. Bletchley? I'm sorry for the unannounced visit." said Y/n brushing the ashes off her.

"Oh you know you don't need an invitation to come visit us!" said Mrs. Bletchley. "Come, Miles is in the family room with his father."

"Is that Y/n I hear?" asked Mr. Bletchley.

"Hello!" said Y/n with a smile. Miles was reading a book in silence with his father when he looked up and seen Y/n.

"Your father just told me the wonderful news, congratulations." said Mr. Bletchley. Miles made a face seeing Y/n's smile drop silently.

"What good news?" asked Miles.

"Let's go take a walk and i'll tell you about my week." said Y/n holding her hand out for Miles. He grabbed it, following her out of the house and into the garden.

"What good news?" asked Miles.

"Ben's parents and mine decided that when I finish Hogwarts, him and I will be getting married." said Y/n looking away. Miles made a face, his jaw dropping.

"You're kidding?" asked Miles. Y/n shook her head, holding up her hand to show him the ring. "You're bloody serious?!"

"Yeah, so heh— that's what's new." said Y/n nodding her head. "That's the great news."

"That's bloody ridiculous!" said Miles making a face. "What did Benjamin say?"

"Well, he said it wasn't as bad as it sounds. If we break up in the next three years, the engagements off." said Y/n taking a seat next to red roses. "He also said it's better that it's him because he actually loves me if it wasn't him, it would've probably been someone else. Another heir, he specified Marcus Flint."

"What do you feel about this?" asked Miles.

"Hm, I've been thinking about it every day since. . . and he's right. If not him, then who will I be stuck with for the rest of my life?" said Y/n shrugging. "Just— I wish I wasn't eighteen when this will be happening."

"Merlin, this is ridiculous." said Miles shaking his head. "I hate this bloody life we have to pretend to live! We weren't meant to be pure bloods. I don't care about this bloody life. You don't care about this life, you don't want to be a wife and only bear children! This isn't what we want!"

"It's not, Miles, but it's what we were born into." said Y/n softly. Miles sighed, sitting next to her.

"You're better at playing this game than I am, Y/n." said Miles shaking his head.

"You're at least the heir of your family. You can marry whoever you want." said Y/n.

"No I can't." said Miles. "They'll have to be pureblood and a Slytherin."

"Maybe some nice Slytherin girl who's a pureblood comes along this year." said Y/n patting his back. Miles made a face and looked at her.

"You're not funny." said Miles. Y/n chuckled, sitting back.

"Well, sadly this is the life we live." said Y/n frowning. "Maybe in another universe, we are happy."

"I'm hoping." said Miles looking at the garden. Y/n smiled softly, looking at the rose garden. "You think they would come looking for me if I runaway?"

"Think they wouldn't even give you the chance to leave." chuckled Y/n. Miles made a face, nodding his head.

"You're right, i'm trap in here like that bloody princess." said Miles. Y/n laughed, turning to look at him.

"That means you'll be rescued." said Y/n. Miles rolled his eyes, looking at her. "Oh okayy, let's go get ice cream, yeah?"

"Please get me out of here." said Miles. Y/n got up, Miles following after her.

"Do you guys mind if Miles comes to Diagon Alley with me?" asked Y/n. Mrs. and Mr. Bletchley gave them a dismissive wave, allowing them to go. 

The two jumped through the fireplace, landing at the Leaky Cauldron. "Thank merlin, I haven't been out all summer." said Miles getting the fresh air of freedom. Y/n chuckled, the two waking done the streets. "Thanks for always saving me."

"You're my favorite, shhh, don't tell the others." said Y/n with a chuckle. Miles smiled, crossing his arms.

"They know." laughed Miles. "Plus they don't have to struggle the way we do."

"No, lucky them, huh?" smiled Y/n.

"Lucky them." said Miles nodding his head. They entered the ice cream shop, Y/n seeing two familiar red heads. She groaned turning to Miles who chuckled. "Maybe if you act like you don't see them, they'll ignore you."

"A girl can dream." said Y/n. The two walking towards the clerk. They ordered their ice cream, Y/n taking a seat far from the Weasley twins.

"So, have you started planning your wedding?" asked Miles taking a spoonful of his ice cream. Y/n made a face and looked at him.

"Oh yes, I want you in a pretty pink dress." said Y/n. Miles rolled his eyes, laughing.

"Do you honestly think you'll marry him?" asked Miles. "Like between me and you?"

"I don't know. . ." said Y/n. "I love him, I do but at eighteen?"

"Your frontal lobe isn't even fully developed yet." said Miles. Y/n snorted, agreeing with him.

"Exactly!" said Y/n.

"Oh fancy seeing you two here." said a voice. Y/n and Miles turned to see Fred and George Weasley with grins on their faces.

"What can we do for you, hm?" asked Miles. "Maybe if you dance a little, we'll throw some money at you."

"So funny, Bletchley." said George Weasley rolling his eyes. Y/n snorted, taking a spoonful of ice cream.

"You know, there's about 1000 little pieces of bugs in your chocolate ice cream." said Fred leaning closer towards Y/n. "Chew on anything crunchy yet?"

"You're bloody disgusting." said Y/n pushing the ice cream away from her. Fred laughed, shrugging. The bell rung from the door, Fred turned to see Nicole Northcott. She was a Gryffindor girl in their year.

"Hey!" said Nicole wrapping her arms around Fred. She turned to Miles and Y/n and rose her eyebrows. "Ew, what are you two doing hanging around here."

"She said ew about us?" asked Miles turning to Y/n.

"Couldn't be." said Y/n. "Especially not with the way she's dressed."

"Can we get away from here?" said Nicole rolling her eyes. Fred wrapped his arm around her, pulling her forward. George following along. Fred turned back to look at Y/n who was looking back at him. Miles glanced at Y/n and turned to see that she was looking at Fred.

"They're unbearable, aren't they?" said Y/n turning back to Miles who nodded.

"A little less, haven't you noticed?" said Miles.

"Still unbearable." said Y/n watching the door.

i'm at work and i'm already in a bad mood😭🤚🏼

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