"Where did you go last night?" asked Adrian titling his head, sitting next to Y/n at breakfast.

"Ben and I went to sleep." said Y/n picking at her food.

"Together?" asked Graham.

"Yeah?" said Y/n with a face.

"But not slept together?" asked Miles. Y/n turned up to look at the boys. She blushed red, shaking her head.

"No!" said Y/n. "Merlin, we literally just went to bed."

"Okay." said Miles raising his hands up in defense. "What were you two fighting about last night?"

"Diggory." said Y/n rolling her eyes.

"Again?" asked Graham.

"Again." said Y/n.

"He's an idiot." said Adrian. Y/n shrugged, placing her fork down and sighing. "Where is the twat anyways?"

"Prefect meeting." said Y/n. "Then you guys have practice in a bit so, you'll see him there."

"Oh!" said Adrian looking at his watch and turning to the boys. "We do have practice. Meet us in our dorm after, okay? I want to talk to you."

"About?" asked Y/n watching the boys get up.

"You and your boyfriend." said Adrian. Y/n turned to Graham and Miles who shrugged.

"We'll see you later, Y/n/n." said Miles. Graham messed up her hair, running off with the boys. She made a face, getting up from the table with her journal. She entered the music room, sitting on the top window once again. She didn't even notice how long it had been until a quill dropped in front of her. She looked down to see Fred Weasley staring back up at her.

"What?" said Y/n with a face.

"Are you okay?" asked Fred. Y/n was taken back, looking at him.

"What?" asked Y/n once again.

"I've been sitting here for ten minutes and you didn't even notice." said Fred. Y/n closed her journal and made a face. "You've not looked up once."

"Maybe I didn't care enough to notice you in here." said Y/n. Fred narrowed his eyebrows, looking up at Y/n.

"You and your boyfriend fighting?" asked Fred.

"What does it matter to you?" said Y/n with a face.

"It doesn't but when I see a guy yelling at someone he supposedly loves, just doesn't sit right with me." said Fred. Y/n stared at Fred, straighten herself up.

"He wasn't yelling at me, I was the one doing the yelling." said Y/n. Fred smirked, nodding his head. "Don't worry about my relationship, Weasel."

"I'm not, trust me." laughed Fred. "But seems like he's a little worried."

"Can you leave me alone." said Y/n sitting back.

"Loves a tricky thing, isn't it?" asked Fred walking around the classroom. Y/n glanced at him, watching as he walked around the desk.

"Your point?" asked Y/n.

"No point, just a statement." said Fred with a shrug. "I feel bad for him, honestly. His girlfriend is bratty, spoiled and a Malfoy."

Y/n sat up, her attention now fully on Fred Weasley. Fred noticed he hit a nerve, he chuckled. "You think you're honestly so bloody funny, Weasley." said Y/n now moving in front of him. "You have no idea what my life is like!"

"Yeah?" asked Fred narrowing his eyebrows. "What could be so bloody hard about being rich and spoiled, huh?! What is hard about it? The hardest thing you have to do is wake up and decided who you're going to bully today."

Pinky Promise (Y/nMalfoy X Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now