Ch I: The Legend's Story

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There was a Pirate of what many assumed was a legend! One whom called upon a power of Destroyers within his bones as to overwhelm his foes when fighting. He was known with a funny way with words, and ideals for what he saw in others to help out in rough times to assist them. He also was known to be Captain of the legendary ship, "The Bootleg Dutchman!" For such were all true! But in the area as of now, was in a house- a cabin like home where a skeletal figure laid still in a rocking chair of old mahogany wood- which was carved of careful, adept, swift hands when it was made. The Skeleton would slowly wake up as his eye sockets, void of the eyeballs many carry, was replaced by flickering of green alluminating flames. The being would slowly shake as they sit up from their slacked position, for which he would unleash the biggest yawn from a nap he was in for what seems eternity! Here we hear a loud "CRRRCK" from their jaw, crackling with the sound of being popped into place, for now hearing the voice of said skeleton, similar to a man known as a certain "Pirate" voice, but of he was more, let's say, more suave and clear than Sparrow's voice.

"Hrmm? What in the seven-blooming seas... I see I have a Visitor present! I can tell you are here, my dear unknown friend! Worry not, for I will actually grant you any info I can spin off about my life? What would you like to hear?.."

As he spoke- silence was made for a minute or two, as the thoughts pondered for a moment before being spoken, as if he was talking to some unknown force before hand. It was that of an being close to that of "Fateweaver" which records all lives as by seeing it as a story- to he told by the one who is soon to pass on. It would ask him the following.

"How was your life before death?

"How did you become a Pirate? What inspired this love for such a lifestyle?"

"How did you become so powerful like legends spoken of yourself?"

As these are asked, the man ponders over the words told, giving a swift answer as realizing what is encountered. He would feel a trembling in the voice of his own, as if nervous to tell- yet he wants to be able to tell his legacy to what he did. So he decided to go ahead and ready himself for the tale of his life!

" friend? Are these what you want to know all of those things? Tell me? Interested in a tale of my entire life instead."

The being, Fateweaver, nods as it was felt of this motion moving through the air sent a chilling energy that was known to be divine around the room. This causes Jack Marrow's eyes light up, for which burn happily with great joy.

"Now! Sit and get yourself a cup of Coco! Maybe use the bathroom, too! This is gonna be awhile of one helluva tale!"

--------Chapter 1-------

When there was Sun that shone upon the world of fantasy, a world full of many beings of different origins! The world for what held many people of interesting fates that were held up in the future. One of them was that of a young kid, a Male, 10 year old, Lightly Green dyed hair that was styled to match a wild and adventureous kid! This Kid was called "Jack Harrowmont."

This kid was raised in a middle-economic family that was near the close amount to being Wealthy. The family took care of many within the community of 11 people in total. The family consisted of a mother, who was known as a Bounty Hunter of troublesome Beasts, a lady who is around 20-30 in age as who has lush dark brown hair that flows to their middle back, having a curve filled reverse pear shaped body that lusted by many- just to meet a harsh rejection. A father... This man was stout and very buffed in halfway stomach up to the chest, like some cartoonish Hero! He was in his middle 50's, with dirty blond locks starting to grey out in parts whom was known as a Council Member of the "Total Nexus" Project. For which he also had a Grandfather that wad a Shaman of Yggdrasil- The last Shaman of his lineage as due to his son, rejected the ways of Shamanism. This man is 82, grey furious mane of hair and beard in unison as to form someone with such wisdom and ferocious intimidation in one.

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