XXXIV - Proof?

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Lockwood burst through the door of the mausoleum they'd left not just hours before. Daniel could faintly hear Kipps's voice saying "under the bus for this?" but couldn't hear what he'd said before they walked in. 

"We're right here." Lockwood huffed out, his voice breathy from the team running from the cab to the musty building. He straightened his tie, as if that was really what was important in this situation. . .whatever this situation was. 

"Ah!" Kipps tilted his head, looking over at the head of Lockwood & Co. He practically strut between Kipps's team, making them push to the sides so he wouldn't run into them. Daniel and Lucy were right behind him, Daniel sticking closer to Lockwood than Lucy was. 

"Good Evening." Lockwood grinned as he walked through. 

"You alright, Kat?" Lucy asked smugly when she was walking past the Fittes agent.

"Good evening, Inspector." Lockwood nodded to Inspector Barnes before coming to a halt beside George - who was now smiling. 

"Anthony Lockwood, a case gone wrong." The inspector returned. "Nothing seems to change." 

Lockwood let out a light, airy chuckle, "Nice to see you here, Kipps. What's that, third time this week, is it?"

"Twice, by my count." Kipps returned, with his annoyingly perfect posture and his hands folded behind his back. Daniel rolled her eyes, biting down a scoff. 

"The mirror's gone." George said, grabbing the rest of his team's attention. "This is big." 

"It is, yeah. And it's our case." Lockwood said, looking from George toward Inspector Barnes. The brunet still sounded out of breath, drawing in heavy breaths in between his words. 

"Not anymore. We've already made a preliminary report." Kipps said, sounding proud of himself. 

Just then, Bobby Vernon, one of Kipps's newer team members, stepped forward with an orange folder. "The first question is, why an iron casket a century before the Problem? Well, the Fittes database confirms it to be a still, used in breweries in the late 19th century. It also confirms that 1866 saw a violent labor dispute at Hildrew's Ales at Kilburn." Bobby turned back toward his team, walking back in line and handing the orange file to Inspector Barnes. "There you go, sir."

"We believe this well-dressed man was the owner, murdered by his workers and buried in the first thing they could find." Kipps added.

"An accidentally murdered brewer?" Inspector Barnes questioned, sounding unsure.

"An awful way to die, sir." Kipps confirmed with a small nod. "It would explain why he's unquiet. The mirror's clearly a personal item, treasured enough to be his source." 

Daniel scoffed. "And why, Kipps, would your 'murdered brewer's' killers bury him with something he cared for? If they hated him so much to kill him, and were in such a rush that they buried him in the first thing they could find, then why would they take the time to put his prized possession with him in there, huh?" 

"You're talking nonsense, Aiken. He likely had it on him and they just didn't bother to take it." Kipps returned with ease, almost mocking the annoyance in Daniel's tone. "Besides, it's the only thing that makes sense. Unless Karim has a better answer." 

George grinned, shrugging a nod. "Yes, I do, actually." Daniel matched his expression, nudging her shoulder against her curly haired teammate's.

Lucy turned, looking at George in disbelief. "You do?" 

"Yeah." George nodded.

"You're sure you do?" Lockwood was almost begging him to shut his mouth with the pointed stare being shot George's way.

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