IX - Connections

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The boys and Lucy spent the next little while setting up the living area with equipment and closing the blinds so they could properly, and safely, have Lucy interact with Annabel Ward. Daniel was sat on one of the library chairs, Lockwood not letting her help because of her injury. She thought that was absolutely stupid, she was perfectly capable of grabbing things. Which she proved wrong when she tried to go upstairs and grab Lockwood a jacket after she saw him shudder and couldn't make it past the first landing. Anthony ended up going to get the jacket himself after she told him why she was on the stairs in the first place and then he practically forced her down onto the chair in the library and under a blanket.

Lockwood came over to Lucy with a solemn look on his face, holding the source in his hand. As soon as he had taken it out of the box, Daniel felt a chill down her spine and an very subtle ache in her airways. "If she takes any liberties, we're right here, okay."

"Okay." She whispered back. Lockwood carefully set the ring in Lucy's hand before backing up.

"Be careful." He walked over beside George in the entrance of the doors of the library, looking over at Lucy with his arms crossed.

Daniel felt the temperature drop further, pulling the blanket Lockwood had draped over her up to her chin to try and hide from the chill. It didn't work. Lucy closed her eyes, clasping her hand around the ring and tuning in. "It's okay, Annabel. It's safe." Lucy whispered.

Everything stayed silent and cold for a little bit as the three agents watched their focused coworker. "There's a song playing in the room." She continued to listen, a smile crossing Lucy's face. "She loves it. It's their song." Lucy nodded.

"Who's they? Annabel and-" George started, only to be cut off by a 'shh' from Lockwood.

"She's so happy." Lucy continued, her voice was small and quiet. "She loves him." There was a pause. "She's dancing to the song."

"I thought her sight wasn't that-" Daniel mumbled, getting a glance from Lockwood that made her shut up the same as George.

"He's watching her." Lucy's smile faded. She stood up. Lockwood uncrossed his arms, seemingly on guard as he side stepped to block the library entrance. Daniel could hardly see around him, but she still could. "He wants her, but it's just. . ." Lucy let out deep breaths, as if she was gasping for air. She continued to stalk forward toward Lockwood. With every step, Daniel felt herself getting dizzier. It wasn't nearly as bad as when she first woke up, but she could still feel her airways closing and her vision was beginning to blur.

"Locks, I don't like this-"

He glanced behind him to Daniel quickly before looking back at Lucy. "What is it?" He whispered.

Lucy opened her eyes, staring straight at Lockwood. Daniel could feel the energy in the room become tense and all over bad. "He's angry." Her words were barely a whisper. "Jealous. She's afraid. Again-" Lucy let out a laugh, it made Daniel's stomach churn.

"Lockwood, something's not right." Daniel shook her head.

Lucy laughed again. "Yes, well," Lucy's head tilted to the side, a pained look of joy and confusion set on her face. She reached her hand up, placing it on the side of Lockwood's face. He grabbed her wrist and her hand trailed down his cheek before she pulled it off again. "It's alright. He loves me." Her hand made its way back to his face, running her fingers along his jaw before her hand pulled off him once again. "You love me, don't you? You gave me the ring. He'd never hurt me. He'd never. . ." Her hand found it's way to Lockwood's face again.

"We need to stop this. Now." Lockwood said, looking between Lucy and her hand.

Daniel stood up, trying to step toward the two. But George grabbed her wrist, shaking his head at her. Lockwood had told him not to let her go near if anything bad were to happen.

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