XXX - Little Accidents

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"It's safe now. We secured it." Anthony promised to Ms. Joplin and the night watch teams who had joined her as they walked up. 

"Okay. We've got it from here." One of the team leads they'd spoken to before Lockwood had to fill out the forms said. She sounded much more confident than when she was refusing to work earlier. 

Lockwood reached both his hands out to Daniel, helping her to her feet and pulling her against him slightly while he got the chance to look her over. "You okay?" Daniel gave a small nod in return, a half-assed smile breaking across her lips. 

"Luce, you okay?" Lockwood turned his head to look at his other teammate when she let out a small hesitated sound and swayed. 

"Right, people. Coffin and body into the chapel." The night watch team lead instructed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Uhm. It was just an accident." Lucy returned, pulling her sleeve to her palm.

"What accident?" Daniel's head tilted as she turned to look at Lucy. "Oh shit-" Daniel instinctively reached toward the self-inflicted wound on Lucy's wrist, her fingertips touching it, causing Lucy to flinch back with a seethe of pain.

Lucy shook it off, looking over at their last teammate. "Are you okay, George?" He had his glasses in his hand and seemed completely out of it, practically staring through Daniel and Lockwood. "George?" Lucy repeated.

"Yes, I'm here." He took in a sharp breath as he finally snapped from his daze and looked between the three. "Well you two sure look cozy." He nodded at Lockwood, who's hand was on Daniel's hip. "What was that?" George questioned as he put his glasses properly on his nose.

"Not our finest hour." Lockwood responded, clearing his throat as he slid his hand off of Daniel's hip and instead to the small of her back. It was as if he thought if people couldn't see it, it was more appropriate. . .but he also couldn't stand the thought of her not being close enough to not easily pull into him if need be. "Whatever it is, we contained it, so-" 

"Did we? I still feel. . .weird. I- Can you guys still hear flies? I- I- I can hear flies, and-" 

"Don't know. There's just too much noise." Lucy denied as she tried to focus in.

"Never heard any flies, but my leg still feels like I got it stomped in by a horse. . .or stabbed it." Daniel quipped, a slight smile on her face in attempts to mask her clear pain. 

"You did what-" Lockwood practically yelled as he stepped around her and bent down to look at the bloodied rip in her cargo pants. His hands found her waist, steadying her so she wouldn't randomly fall over on him. 


"For fuck's sake, Dani-" 

"Who needs to talk about their language now?" Daniel grinned, getting a harsh scowl from Anthony. She couldn't tell if it was for her joke or for the nasty gash on the side of her thigh. 

Lockwood sighed, standing up and wrapping Daniel's arm over him in hopes to relieve some of the pressure and weight she was forcing on the wound. His hand found her waist again, holding her to him and keeping her up. "Well deal with that in a minute." He promised her, his expression soft before he turned back to George with his normal front. "What was that in there with him? Some sort of ornament? A mirror?" 

"I- I don't know." George responded, his voice was soft and slightly rasped. "It. . .it was black, but there was something in the blackness. I- I didn't see it directly, but it felt like it was looking at me. Could explain the iron casket." 

"The glass was. . .looking at you?" Daniel tilted her head. Her tone wasn't conniving or mocking at all, she just sounded curious, confused, maybe even a little concerned.

"I- I don't know. I-" George shook his head softly.

"But it must've been down there over a hundred years. Way before the Problem started." Lucy responded, disbelief clear in her tone.

"Silver and iron have always been used by the superstitious." George sighed slightly. "He was shot in the head too, did you see that?" 

"Yeah, it's not our problem. A job's a job, and it's done now. So, it's time for DEPRAC to go and tidy it all up." Lockwood nodded slightly. 

"See?" Mr. Saunders called, a smile clear in his voice as he walked over to the team. "All someone had to do was apply themselves! Wasn't so difficult, was it? Good work, Mr. Lockwood!" 

Daniel snarled slightly, turning her head to the dirt. 'Wasn't so difficult' huh? Then maybe Mr. Saunders should've done it and gotten two of his friends gashed in. 

"If you'll come with me, sign a few forms, I can release payment." Mr. Saunders cheered, patting Anthony on the shoulder that Daniel was held over. She stumbled slightly, landing fully on her feet. A shot of pain raced to her thigh but she just bit her bottom lip and chuckled to cover it up. 

"Perfect." Anthony seethed out, pulling Daniel back into him and bringing her with him to follow behind Mr. Saunders. 

"Well done." Ms. Joplin smiled at the team as she came up from behind where Lockwood and Daniel were leaving from.

"Keep an eye on George." Lockwood whispered in Lucy's direction as he passed her.

"Yeah." Lucy gave a simple nod back.

Anthony helped Daniel as they walked over with Mr. Saunders to a quieter spot to fill the forms. He leaned down slightly, his breath brushing her ear as he whispered "You sure you're okay?" 

"I'll be when we get home." She mumbled back, confident in her answer. Because in all honesty, right now, she wasn't okay. But when she got home and got to either sit on the couch or lay in a bed - she'd take any of the four's beds if need be - she'd be fine. 

"After I fill out these papers I'll take you back to the mausoleum and get you patched up, okay?" 

"You got it, boss." She joked, smirking up at him. As she turned her head, tilting it back slightly to look him in the eye, their noses brushed and her breath hitched. They stayed like that for a moment, as if stuck in their own heads before Anthony cleared his throat and turned back toward the elder man who was walking just a little in front of them.


Word Count - 1,088


Published - November 12, 2023


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