V - House Tour

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"I can understand why you might think our setup's a little unusual." Lockwood turned at the rail for a moment so he could continue talking with Lucy. "We're a new agency, been registered three months. We're accredited with DEPRAC, but we're not on their payroll like Fittes or Rotwell. We're independent, and we like it that way."

"Who are your supervisors?" Lockwood stopped to look over the rail at Lucy where she had stopped a staircase down, checking out an old article on the boy. Daniel ran face first into his back, nearly stumbling down the stairs.

The brunet continued up the stairs, Daniel behind him. "No supervisors here. No adults. It's my company, hence the name." They stopped on  the landing where the three's bedrooms were, Lucy close behind. "That bother you?"

"Uh- It sounds alright." Lucy nodded.

"Bathroom, Dani's room, my room, George's room." He pointed at each correlating door as he said their respective names. His hand hovered in the direction of George's room. "Wouldn't go in there without knocking. Walked in on him doing yoga once, totally naked. Got quite an unusual view. And don't go in Dani's room either. She likes her room absolutely silent." He explained, looking back at the girl's bedroom door. Her glow-star stickers making it known which was hers. Lucy let out a weak laugh at the George comment, waiting up on the landing as Anthony and Daniel made their ways down the stairs.

"What about that room?" The brunette asked, looking up the stairs.

Lockwood stopped, turning to look up at the new girl. "That's private. It's nothing very interesting. Follow me, lots more to see." They made it to the bottom of the steps, turning to head down into the kitchen. "The library is through there, but this is the most important room." Anthony pulled the door open, allowing both the girls to enter. Daniel smiled at George, giving him a small wave as she made a beeline for the doughnut box that he had moved to the kitchen table. She propped it open, grabbing another maple bar. The maple doughnuts had all been bought for her, after all. So it didn't matter much if she were to eat them all.

"We call this the thinking cloth." Lockwood knocked his fist against the table twice, making his way behind and around the girl who was shoving the doughnut in her mouth. "We jot down memos, theories, trains of thought. It's a very useful tool. I located the bones of the Fenchurch Street Ghoul by sketching out the street plans here at three in the morning over cheese on toast." The brunet stopped by a door in the corner of the room. Daniel's head snapped up, shuffling her way over to him when she noticed.

George turned from the stovetop to speak to Lucy. "When a case goes badly and we're not talking to each other, it's good for exchanging insults too." He went back to his pot.

"Ah, how often does that happen?"

"Almost never." Anthony assured the new member with a beaming smile. What a liar. "Now. . ." He pulled open the door, "The basement. Follow me." Lockwood went down the spiraling staircase with practiced ease, the two girls close behind him. Daniel still had half a doughnut hanging out of her mouth as she hopped off the final step, both feet hitting the cement at once.

The boy walked over to a desk, taking long strides. "Offices, case files. George is obsessed with the history of the Problem. He's a fastidious record keeper. It's a good thing, too. I get brain-ache writing a shopping list." He stopped in the center of the room, maneuvering around a cement beam to get there. "Training room. Randomized smoke jets simulating a variety of attack and defense patterns." He switched on a button, the roof shooting out pressurized mist. Lucy screamed, covering her head. Daniel jumped back, hiding herself behind a calm Lockwood. He switched the system off, leaning himself against the wall. "George came up with it. Every now and then, it actually works. But, of course, you'll be proficient with a sword already as you've passed your fourth grade." He directed his words to Lucy.

[ Glow ] ~ Anthony Lockwood x OCWhere stories live. Discover now