Chapter 21

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Once in stable condition, Sasuke returned to the Uchiha estate. The main building was burned out and partly collapsed. Many of the smaller buildings and the kitchen were rubble. Only the guest house was habitable. And all the work Naruto had done to restore and beautify the grounds was ruined. One lone sunflower survived only to wilt without the fox's aura to sustain it beyond its season.

"Sasuke, come inside," Saren beckoned from the porch of the guest house.

Perched on the wall encircling the estate, Sasuke was scanning the forest. He heard but did not turn to his name. The red hue of his eyes glowed, alighting the rain that fell close to his face. His right hand gripped the edge of the roof that topped the gate. It was the first time using his power since the battle and he acutely felt the strain throughout still-damaged meridians.

"Sasuke," Saren called again, more sharply. "You'll make yourself sick. What good does that do anyone."

"Katsuro-san should have found him by now." It was six days since the battle, five since Katsuro left to search for Naruto, and Sasuke knew he was not yet strong enough to chase after his wife himself.

Although quiet, the nekomata could hear him. "If Naruto is concealing himself, he may be very difficult to find," she pointed out. "Even for one like Katsuro."

"But if something happened to him," Sasuke worried.

"Then, when Katsuro does find him, he will need your strength. Come inside," Saren's voice lowered to an insistent growl.

Sasuke took another look across the forest as if he would see something new. He did not. With a soft grunt, Sasuke lifted his hand to his face and rubbed his eyes as he dispelled the ki channeling into them. Turning then, he jumped down from the wall.

Saren tsked as Sasuke shed his geta and finally came up the steps. "You underestimate him, I think," she said as he followed her back into a large room. "You always have. I understand why; I did also when I met him. But trust his strength. He will be back soon enough and laughing at your worry." She slid the door closed, which made the room darker but the oil lamps hanging from the ceiling gave plenty of light.

Sasuke shed his wet haori, which Shiori whisked to a peg beside the door, and then dropped onto the floor in a sprawl. He glared up at her. "Naruto is only half his former self. He misjudges his power all the time. The power he does have threatens to burn the body that can barely contain it."

Shiori, holding a cloth, slipped behind Sasuke to dry off his hair.

"A balance he has struggled constantly to maintain during his pregnancy," Sasuke continued, "Sai-san reported that Naruto was losing all grip on himself despite being in a weakened condition. If Katsuro-san does not return today, I will search for him myself. And hope our bond leads me to him."

Shiori, standing at Sasuke's shoulder now, tilted his head. Sasuke assumed he was waiting for Sasuke to take the cloth to dry his face himself so he did so. As soon as he was relieved of the cloth, Shiori dropped to his knees and ducked under his arm to hug Sasuke.

Sasuke looked at the messy hair pressing into his chest with mild confusion.

The spirit had been with him constantly since he woke but this level of affection surprised him. Slowly, he moved his hand to touch the child's back. "Are you worried about Naruto, too?" he asked.

Shiori tilted his head to peer up at Sasuke, a faint pink shimmering in his otherwise dark eyes. He was still somewhat transparent but had regained strength since returning to the Uchiha estate. Though, he was still bound to the kamon of Sasuke's haori.

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