Chapter 12

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"I thought you already went to bed," Sasuke commented without looking toward the approaching footsteps.

"Yes, but since you haven't," Naruto answered quietly.

"Did you need...?" Sasuke looked over, perhaps worried he had shirked his duty.

"No," Naruto answered softly with a slight shake of his head. He offered a cup of tea.

Sasuke didn't seem to have expected what used to be their habit but took the cup. "I didn't think so. You only watered the plants today, I think," he observed as he looked out over the garden again.

Stepping down, Naruto smoothed his yukata with his now free hand and sat down. "Mm," he agreed, "It was hot again. But it's nice enough now."

Sasuke gave a slight nod, rolling the cup in his hands.

"I miss you, though," Naruto added quietly.

Turning his head, Sasuke looked at him. Nothing in his expression suggested he didn't understand what Naruto meant, but he didn't say anything.

Naruto looked down into his cup. "Please forgive me. I didn't mean to say those things to you. I would never..." He swallowed back the emotion that threatened to spill and clenched the cup with both hands. Crying was not what he wanted to do just now. He wasn't looking for pity or to make Sasuke worry.

"It's all right," Sasuke said quietly, "I know."

"You do?"

Sasuke gave a slight nod, "It was my fault. Even if you say it's normal and try to hide it from me, you weren't feeling well then. Of course you lashed out."

"Still, I should not have said things like that," Naruto insisted. "I would never do something like that. I'm not like that."

"It's all right," Sasuke said again in a soft tone and looked at him with an expression that assured Naruto he was telling the truth, "I know that."

"But, if you aren't upset by that, then what...?"

Sasuke ignored that question. "Are you feeling better? You look beautiful now."

"Hm? Are you saying I didn't before?" Naruto teased.

"I mean you look healthier," Sasuke amended, looking down into his cup like he was contemplating it.

"Mm," Naruto smiled with a nod, "My body seems to have adjusted. I told you it would." He took a big sip of his tea. At least, the worst of it seemed to have passed or else that time around when they argued it was just particularly bad. It was hard to know for sure but the timing seemed right.

"I'm glad," Sasuke commented softly.

"That's normal, too, you know," Naruto smiled.

"Adjusting?" Sasuke looked at him, seeming to guess that wasn't what Naruto meant.

"Beauty," Naruto corrected with a laughing smile. "Nurturing a life is a beautiful thing. And especially because it's your child," he brushed his hand over the small swell hidden by the fold of the yukata, "Well, if you do find me more beautiful now." His cheeks pinked and he badly suppressed a pleased smile.

Sasuke's eyes stayed on him for a prolonged moment, moving a little like he was considering what he was seeing, before he looked away again.

"It's odd to be embarrassed by that, isn't it?" Naruto questioned, tilting his head. "I'm your wife, you should be attracted to me," he grinned again and tossed his head.

"I'm not embarrassed," Sasuke informed him. Really, Naruto knew that: nothing in his expression or body language had indicated it.

Naruto's smile faded toward tender and unsure. "It really bothers you so much?"

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