Chapter 20

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Groaning loudly, Naruto snapped the small branch he had grabbed to brace himself. He tripped forward and collapsed to his knees, catching himself on his hands. Panting heavily, relief that the pain abated sounded, too.

False labor, it had to be. It was too soon. But, if he was wrong, he was glad he made the choice to remain human.

The stress of walking through wild mountain terrain did not help. He had to trust the distance he'd already traveled, trust it was beyond where humans might stray. Trust that Akatsuki wouldn't pick up his trail.

Wiping sweat from his face with his tattered sleeve, he took deep breaths. His head tilted and he looked up into the dark web of pine branches. Putting his hands together, he beseeched, "Kami-sama. On behalf of my child, I humbly ask protection while I rest this night."

Naruto didn't feel divine presence, but if the gods could travel to and from heaven using these noble trees, surely prayers could, too? And if they happened to feel like walking the earth for some other purpose, maybe it wouldn't be too much trouble. If they were just passing by.

There was no reason to expect any kami to do anything for him. He wasn't a tenko. His fur hadn't turned pure gold and it never would. His reddish-blond hue symbolized the permanent stain of blood. Even so, he felt relief in the act of giving up his fears to faith.

Releasing a heavy breath, Naruto crawled to lie beneath the skirt of the nearest pine. The bed of decaying needles was fragrant and soft. He fell asleep quickly.

Only to be woken twenty minutes later by another contraction. A low moan leaked as he cringed, gripping the silk of his kimono.

As the pressure let up, he protested, "No. Not now." Panting, he caressed his belly as though he could persuade it to wait, "Please. Not now."

Unable to rest peacefully, unable to eat much, walking for several days, he recovered only a little from the battle. He feared he did not have the strength. But he had no choice. It was happening.

Between contractions, while they still let him rest between, he peeled off the once beautiful kimono and spread it beneath him. Keeping the child out of the dirt might be all he could do to protect him.

Tears mingled with sweat as Naruto clenched his teeth. His fingers scrabbled, unable to find a satisfying grip on cloth or ground. The tension of his jaw broke as he gasped for air.

As the contraction let up, he panted heavily, trembling. He didn't remember it hurting this badly. Why did it hurt this badly? Was something wrong? Dirt smeared hands held his belly. Even though he had borne children before, he wouldn't know what might signal trouble. He was attended by an experienced midwife every time before.

"Please... please..." he sobbed, eyes cast up into the silent pines.

He tried but couldn't muffle his agony as another contraction wracked his body. Back pressed into the tree, feet slipping on silk and pine needles, sap-stickied bark protested his grip.

When the contraction passed, he again gasped raggedly. He wiped his forehead with the sleeve of his undergarment but it didn't help. His mouth was dry; he swallowed but there was no way to get water.

Another groaning cry tumbled from Naruto's throat. For hours, he obeyed the compulsion to push every time it surged but still nothing gave. Dawn alit beyond the temple of trees. He could taste his own blood in the air. Cold crept through his body, invited by the wind attacking his sweat-soaked nagajuban.

"No," Naruto growled through clenched teeth.

He would not let this life he had nurtured for nearly nine months die. He would not let this gift perish. He would not fail his promise, be it the bond of yokai or of love.

Planting his hands on either side of him, Naruto took a great breath and then released a howl of determination. Faintly, his skin shimmered as he poured all of his remaining energy into opening his hips. Transformations were usually painless, but this one came amid a powerful contraction, faltering his concentration and ripping through him with a scream of pain.

But it worked. Agony clawed through him still, but he felt the great waves of pressure subside with a gush. Trembling, he raked blood-soaked cloth up his thigh so that he could reach down. Bending his deflated middle pushed out a groan. Lifting the infant, covered in blood and slime, his body sagged.

"Haa..." he meant to say something, to greet his and Sasuke's son, but nothing came to mind. Swallowing, Naruto's mouth fell open again in a heavy pant and he cradled the child to his chest. The infant leaked distressed sounds like a fox kit.

Carefully, Naruto undid the tie of his nagajuban so that he could tuck the baby against his chest. And try to clean his face.

Naruto's eyes began to close. He shook his head and took a deep breath. "No. I'm... I'm awake," he protested, "I... I'm... We should..." He knew he should move: the blood could attract all manner of things.

The baby fussed.

"Shh," Naruto murmured without opening his eyes, "Shh..." 

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