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January 25th 1978

     Someone walking in the room and I seem to have woken me up, and it wasn't super loud, but then again I sleep pretty light; I blink my eyes taking in my surroundings to find I’m in my brothers' dorm where he left me and the room was filled with bright light from the window across the room, something that I was not used to since my dorm is in the dungeons and was level with the black lake that I often saw sea creature from. I look at the nearby beds and see James Potter looking at me.

“I’m sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I didn't know you would be in here.” James says with his husky voice.

“It’s fine. Sirius brought me here this morning. I have slept far too long.” I quietly, since my voice was still recovering from the howling, I’m sure I did last night. James looks at me oddly for a minute, like he is taking me in and analyzing me which I found intimidating and made me self conscious.

“Are you okay?” James asks. “You just look pale and tired.” He adds.

“I’m fine.” I said while getting up slowly while hearing the pops and creaks of my bones readjusting still.

“If you're sure,” James says while grabbing something out of his bag.

“I slowly swung my legs over the bed and it seemed my pants had ridden up revealing the patch that was over my scratch but it seemed to be blood soaked, it probably wasn't normal for it to bleed this much but I’m not fully sure how to address it. I looked over to where James was and he quickly averted his eyes like he was watching me.

“Do you have any patches?” I ask quietly.

“I do, let me go get them,” James says while getting up and abandoning what he was doing. I sit there looking around to see photos of the Marauders on the walls and various Quidditch team posters. James walks in with a various amount of stuff in his hands and comes over to me and sets the item down on the bed.

“I didn't know what you would need, so I brought all of our medical stuff.” James says while scratching the back of his neck.

“Thank you.” I said. “Do you know when Sirius will be back?” I ask.

“He’s in his last class now, so maybe an hour.” James replied.

“Oh.” I said because I didn't want to change the patches on my own and I didn't want James to be discussed when he finds out I’m a werewolf.

“I can change the patch and clean it,” James says.

“No, that's fine. I think I will just wait till Sirius is back.” I replied.

“Okay.” James says. He walks back to his bed and picks up a book that was at the end of the bed and quill and parchment, and sits down to most likely do homework. I sit there staring at the ground, refusing to look up, knowing I meet the chocolate brown eyes that I was sure were staring at me.
I waited an hour and heard the door open and I turned my head toward it to see Sirius returning. Sirius came over to his bed that I was sitting on and dropped his bag next to it.

“How are you?” Sirius asks.

“I feel sore.” I say.

“That's to be expected.” Sirius says.

“I brought some medical supplies over.” James says.

“Okay, why don't I clean your cuts, then?” Sirius says.

“Okay.” I say, knowing I couldn't refuse Sirius.

“I can help if you need,” James says a bit eagerly. Sirius looks at me as if he was questioning me.

“He could help you.” Sirius whispers.

“But he will find out.” I whisper.

“He doesn't care. He won't judge you.” Sirius replied.

“Fine.” I say.

“Sure James, I would appreciate that.” Sirius says.

“Great.” James says while getting up off his bed and practically hopping over to Sirius's bed which I was sitting on, James seems to be eager to help which I suppose is weird for him since he has always been like this since the Sirius time I had met him in first year.
Sirius pulls my leg on to the bed gently then peels away the patch on my leg. Once Sirius finally finishes taking off the patch, it reveals a bloody scratch that was unforgiving with no apparent shape but just to cause pain. Sirius looks at it for a minute, then looks at James.

“Can you get me a wet rag?” Sirius asks.

“Sure.” James says, then walks away towards the bathroom.

“Does it hurt?” Sirius asks.

“Yes.” I replied.

“Okay, I can get a pain potion. I’m going to change all the patches. Which one hurts the most?” Sirius asks.

“The one on my back.” I replied.

“Okay, that one will be next. Maybe James can change that for me, so this can go faster.” Sirius suggested.

“I don't know.” I say.

“He won't tell anyone. You can trust him.” Sirius insists.

“Fine.” I replied. James walks in after I say that with a wet rag and a pain potion, coincidently.

“Thanks Prongs.” Sirius says.

“It looks painful, so I figured it probably hurts. Moony certainly hurts after.” James says.

“Got that right.” Sirius says. “Can you do the cut on his back?” Sirius asks.

“Sure.” James says.

“Reg, can you pull your shirt up? I know it will be cold, but we can warm you up after.” Sirius says. I nod in reply, then pull up my shirt enough that it's hanging off my neck and revealing my back. James sits behind me and I can feel him pull off the patch and clean off the blood as he goes with the wet rag that was warm, which felt nice on my skin. I was cold compared to earlier in the week when I was warm enough that people would think it was summer outside. I now can feel the cool air on my back as the patch was now off and allowing my skin to breathe. I feel James run the rag over my back and I tense my whole body as he does so because I can feel the sharp stabbing in my back and my brain screaming pain at me.
Sirius looks at me with eyes of sadness, then looks back at my leg as he continues to bandage it back up.

“Sorry.” James says as he realized I was in pain. He grabs something from behind me and I feel his soft fingertips on my back as he grabs my waist as he puts some type of ointment on my cut.
Another twenty minutes goes by and both Sirius and James work throughout the whole time, working from cut to cut, trying to mend them with the best of their abilities.

“Okay, you're all done.” Sirius says.

“Thank you.” I say as I look at both Sirius and James. “I think it’s time for me to go, but thank you for letting me use your bed.” I said to Sirius. 

“Are you sure you don't want to stay here?” Sirius asks.

“No, I'm good. I should go now.” I replied.

“Don't be a stranger. I want to be here for you.” Sirius says with a concerned look in his eyes.

“Okay.” I replied and before I could even leave, Sirius grabs me and pulls me into a gentle hug.

“I’m so proud of you.” Sirius says, then pulls away to look at me. I give him a smile, then leave the dorm feeling lighter.

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