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January 1st 1978

      I walked up the stairs from the dungeons with a slight limp from my healing hip as it had been the area of the bite, I continued my slow walk up the stairs.

I finally made it to the library since I didn't really want to go to the Great Hall and have everyone looking at me while I limp to the Slytherin table, I found a seat in the far back of the library and settled down with a few books and started on some homework I had left.

I hadn't even realized I had been in the library all day until I looked up and it was dark. I can't believe I had spent my whole day in the library.

I got all my stuff and put it into bookbag and swung it over arm and began my walk back to the dungeons; I was halfway through the corridor that led to the dungeons but someone came running behind me and crashed into me knocking me over but kept running and yes; the corridor was semi crowded, but it wasn't crowded enough to run into someone.

With my hip not being fully healed, my leg had spasming pain, making me feel a whole new level of pain while I just sat on the cold hard ground soaking in the pain.

“Reg? Are you okay?” I hear a voice coming from above me. I looked up, and it was Sirius.

“Why do you care? We haven't talked for over a year don't start now.” I say with a scoff and get up and begin walking faster down the corridor.

“Wait, a damn second!” Sirius says while running to catch up with me.

“What now?” I said, turning around.

“I haven't seen you all day and I might not talk to you a lot, but that doesn't mean I don't care,” Sirius explains.

“Well, for your information, I was at the library, but that shouldn't matter.” I replied.

“Makes sense I guess. Now what happened during break was it mom?” Sirius asks.

“Was it Mom?” I ask in confusion.

“Did she hurt you? You're limping and you look pale,” Sirius explains.

“No, she did nothing.” I said.

“I don't believe you.” Sirius hisses. He grabs my arm and pulls me up the nearby stairs that led to the Gryffindor tower.

“Let me go!” I whined.

“Not a chance,” Sirius replied. We finally made it to what seemed to be The Marauders dorm.

“What do you want from me?” I ask while yanking my arm away from Sirius's grasp.

“I want you to show me the area she hurt you so I can take care of it because I know you and you don't know how to heal it.” Sirius explained.

“I'm not hurt!” I insisted.

“Stop lying!” Sirius says sternly. I take a deep breath, knowing if I showed Sirius my hip, he would know instantly.

“I can't. You would hate me.” I said, suddenly in a whisper.

“I won't.” Sirius says quietly. I shake my head with tears in my eyes.

“Trust me, you will. If you don't hate me now, you will after you know,” I said, with tears falling down my face.

“I won't, I promise. There is nothing you can do that will make me hate you.” Sirius says. I look up at Sirius and he is giving me a slight smile of reassurance.

“Fine.” I said. I pulled down my pants and pulled my boxers up slightly on the right, exposing my hip, which had a white patch that was stained with blood.

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