Chapter 11: The Spring Princess

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Chapter 11 Summary

[House of the Dragon One Shot]

By the will of the Valyrian Gods, 009 is chosen to be reborn as Rhaenyra's daughter to help secure her new mother's reign.

009 reborn as Rhaenyra Targaryen's third child. The first daughter.

Known as Spring Incarnate and Miraculous Healer of the realm.

The Spring Princess.

The Princess That Was Promised.

In the North, deep within the Land of Always Winter, the Great Other stirred, sensing an overwhelming power now in the realm. It had not felt power such as this since that irritating warrior, Azor Ahai, had fought him centuries ago.

It appears his slumber has come to an end. Plans will have to be changed and his army must be ready. For Winter is Coming.

Let us see how Spring and Winter battle in this timeline. Who will triumph?

A new dawn approaches.


* I'm gonna screw with the ages of some people since I can't pinpoint their exact births.

* Jacaerys, Lucerys & 009 are a year apart from each other. Joffrey has not been deleted, just born later.

* 009 is Team Black. Some of Team Green gets converted so don't worry if you like Team Green. But fuck Otto - no one likes him.

* I still can't believe I wrote this. It feels like a better writer wrote this instead of my dumb ass. Maybe I got possessed? Shall I contact a priest or an exorcist? Or both? Lol

* Don't know if I'll continue this. Depends on my mood & how much free time I have - I've been playing Hogwarts Legacy which has drastically reduced my writing time.

Disclaimer: I do not own House of the Dragon, Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire.


Rhaenyra Targaryen was no stranger to the birthing bed.

After all those years of watching her own queen mother waste away trying for an heir, Rhaenyra both hated and feared the day it would be her turn. The uncomfortable swelling, vomiting, screaming and blood. So much blood!

It was the mental image of her poor mother being cut open for Baelon's birth that had her avoiding all talks of marriage. Why would she ever want that?

But then she had her own children and Rhaenyra finally understood.

Jacaerys's birth had been terrifying. He was her first. Her little boy. Rhaenyra remembered the panic and screaming. Her labours had taken so long that she'd feared the worst. What if she was like her mother? Cursed to have stillborn after stillborn?

Then the cries of a newborn were heard and Prince Jacaerys Velaryon was born whole and healthy.

The overwhelming joy she felt when he was first placed in her arms surprised her but she welcomed it, kissing her newborn son's head.

He was the symbol of her and Harwin's (forbidden) love. It was impossible not to love him.

Lucerys's birth wasn't as terrifying only because she knew what to expect now. It was still just as long and painful as her firstborn's birth but with less panicking on her part.

It also didn't help with her Queen Stepmother demanding to see her second son as soon possible, disregarding Rhaenyra's pain after just giving birth.

Alicent had taken great pleasure in making sly remarks and judgemental looks ever since she'd seen Jacaerys's brown locks and brown eyes. Her Harwin's features.

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