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We searched the whole damn house but she was nowhere to be found and I was loosing my patience by every passing minute. I feel like someone took a piece of my heart away from me.

"KAYDEN" I yelled pushing the door open of the security room making it slam against the wall.

"C-apo?" He stuttered and gulped hard after seeing me red and angry face.

"LOOK WHERE KATHERINE WENT" I said and he got to work.

After few seconds he made me look in the screen and I saw Katherine getting out of my room, FUCK! She was wearing my button-up shirt only which came till her thigh.

This is not the fucking time Domenico!!

I saw the guards eyeing her from head to toe and I felt this rage in me. I'll fucking take their eyeballs out of their sockets if they look at her in that way again. She went downstairs and then towards the main gate.

I saw her meeting Alexander at the door and then he left talking with someone on phone.

"Ca-po, I called him. You wanted him downstairs so" Alesso said

I called Alexander and he picked up on one ring.

"Alexander, did Katherine told you where's she going" I asked as soon as he picked the call up not giving him chance to even breathe.

"No, she was about but Alesso called me and I left. I thought she's going to the lawn or something" he said

"Ok" I said back and hung up.

"Track her phone" I said to Kayden and he started doing the procedure.

"Sir, she's..she's at this place" He pointed out on the screen.

"Fuck, I know this place" I said and hurriedly left the room making my way to the garage.

"Capo? Should I come?" Alesso asked

"No, I'll handle it on my own" I said and drove past him.

I am having so many thoughts that I can't even describe. Maybe she left because of how I treated her. Kyle will kill me when he will find out that I hurt his sister and I would let him because I did treated her wrong.

I arrived at her old house, as her phone location shows that she's here. I got out of the car and entered the apartment. There's no-one in the house but everything was scattered on the ground.

"CAZZO" I muttered

(Translation- Fuck)

"Katherine" I yelled but no response came back.

"KATHERINE" I yelled this time louder and heard a soft whimpering sound.

I followed the voice and saw her on the floor of her bedroom,crying. Her face buried against her legs as she pulled them towards her chest. I walked towards her and sat down in front of her, she flinched a little which made my heart clench.

"Katherine what happened?" I asked but she just stared in my eyes as if she's trying to find answers.

"Katherine you have to tell me" I said

"I-take me home" That's all what she said and I couldn't say no to her.

I nodded and helped her stand up, her legs were about to give up but I kept her up. We walked towards my car and I made her sit in the passenger's seat while I got in the driver's.

I looked at her after every minute and her face didn't even moved a little. She kept looking outside of the window.

"Come on" I said opening her door, she didn't even realised that we were home already.

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