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It was just another morning. SHAYAN just woke up and asusual he had headed towards market to get the dairy. On the way he picked up his bestfriend cum bhai "SAIF" who was standing infront his own house. Both of them are really good friends since childhood.

Shayan dropped Saif back on his way and got all the items on the list that his mother had asked him to get.

As Shayan entered his house, Faliha was sitting there. It was really common for both of them as FALIHA is their renter. Faliha and Shayan are of same school and same batch. They never really interacted with eachother but knew eachother very well.

Faliha lived with her parents. Her father is a government employee and mother a homemaker .As per her father's duty they had to live is this town, which isn't their home town. She wasn't born here but her family shifted here after her birth. She has a brother and a sister  who live in their respective hostels persuing their engineering and mbbs.

Whereas, Shayan lives with his mother and sister. Approximately 2 years ago, he had lost his father. This is Shayan's home town . His sister, elder than him is persuing her B.COM degree from a well known college in their hometown itself.

Both Shayan and Faliha are of same school and same batch but never spoke to eachother. As being raised in a muslim family they are very particular.

The perspective that Shayan has about Faliha is that very clear, confident and true about herself. Where as, Faliha believed all the stuff that people said to her about Shayan , this is also a bigger reason that Faliha didn't like talking to him. She has been watching him since childhood and the things she heard about him were relatable most of the time.

Maximum people they have in their lives are common as they have shared their childhood together. Shayan and Faliha both share good and respectful bonds with each other's families.

Seeing her in his house he would always lower his head and go to his room and he did just that right now. Parallely Faliha completed her work, which  she had came for and headed back upstairs to her home.

It was 8 in the morning, Faliha was all set to go to school. She had walked downstairs to get her bicycle ready to leave for her school.

Shayan is lying on the sofa ,having tea .His mum is yelling at him to leave for school.

Shayan has always been a late comer to school were as Faliha would maximumly reach on time and some or the other times late. But this is a routine for him. Faliha would pic her friend IFRA, both go and come to school together. Even these two are best friends just like Shayan and Saif. Probably all these four know eachother so well as all of them are batchmates and neighbours as well.

Both Faliha and Ifra reached school. They are done with 1st period. Faliha just got of their class and is looking down in the ground from the corridor, she is seeing Shayan and Saif. This a very common scene it would be schocking If they weren't taking any punishment for being late instead.

School is over. Ifra is ready to get out of the school, reach home and sit infront of the television. But Faliha has so many friends, friends from other sections, some of their juniors. Faliha is standing there and talking to everyone. Whereas, Ifra is restless to get home ASAP .Shayan would stay back at school to attend games and have fun.

Quite after 30 -40 minutes Falihaa and Ifra has started towards their homes. Faliha has so many friends. On the other hand ,Ifra has quite a few people whom she considers as her friends but she interacts with everyone as she is left with no choice because of Faliha. While on their way back to home Faliha informs Ifra about every single detail of the day and this is how Ifra has all the gossip about their school. This is how they reach their destinations everyday.

This is how Faliha and Shayan's life revolves around eachother.

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