Africa and the big heist

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DreamWorks Animation SKG with 2010 animated logo

Camera moves down in Africa and all the animals gather the watering hole after the previous film and its midquel of breaking the dam by the wrath of Nana and her New York hunters and the defeat of Makunga as Alex and Zuba reunite the pride once more. And now Alex and the others, excluding Zuba & Florrie who don't appear in this movie due to Bernie Mac's death, wave goodbye to the penguins and Chimps who are on the Super Plane of preparing to go to Monte Carlo in Italy for a Honeymoon with Skipper's girlfriend, Lola the Hula Girl Doll. (Even though she does not appear in the movie either)

"Okay, wind her up, boys! It's Monte Carlo or bust! Struts"

The lights become red and green after Kowalski flips on the switches.


"Flaps" The gas supply rises higher.


"Diamonds and gold"


Mason counts the diamonds, pearls, gold and emeralds. Phil bites on a piece of gold. The plane takes off.

"We'll be back from our gambling spree in a couple of weeks"


"Or whenever the gold runs out"



"All right! We'll be waiting for ya!"

"Just kidding! We're never coming back!"

"Sorry. What was that?"

"Initiate warp drive"

The super plane goes into warp drive and Alex is left behind, while the scene changes to the future with illusions of New York City as the color goes black and white.

"Did they just say they were never coming back? Guys?" He looks to Marty, but he's older, "Marty?"
Old Marty is on the treadmill.

"Oh, goody, you're here!"

"Ah!" Old Marty shoves some hay in Alex's mouth.

"Why don't you chew on this? I'm hungry" makes eating sounds.

"Ahh! Whoa!!" The treadmill under Alex's feet gets longer and Alex falls through a door and lands on Old Melman's fake leg.

"Oww! Ah, I'm just messing with ya. I lost all feeling in this thing years ago" taps his fake leg with his cane, laughs and then starts snoring.

"Melman? Why do you look like that? Ohh!"

Old Gloria comes up and puts her walker down on Alex's hand.

"Ooh, look who's talking"

"Gloria? Why are you guys so... elderly?"

"Now, when was the last time you looked in a mirror?"



Alex turns behind him, looks into a mirror and sees an old version of himself.

Alex screaming in horror, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!"

Old Alex his half body comes out from the mirror and shakes his younger self.

"Wake up, Wake up!!" Marty wakes Alex up from his nightmare.

"Ally-Al, Wake up!"

"Marty!" gets up and pants in shock, "Oh! Marty, it was horrible!"

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