Chapter 19 ~ kidnaped or found

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Apollo's pov 

I am woken up with a ringing sound from my ears and a pounding headache

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I am woken up with a ringing sound from my ears and a pounding headache ...I don't remember drinking last night but all of a sudden it comes back to me like a slap in the face Aurora and I went to get pizza when all of a sudden there was a pinch on my neck and then I dropped to the ground the last thing what I saw was Aurora falling to the ground too .

I quickly shoot up at the thought of Aurora being hurt I see her figure in the corner opposite me , it looks like she is still passed out so I wait for her to wake up .

I don't know where we are but its very cold which means that we are no longer in NY, minutes go by before Aurora starts to wake up with a jump I look at her before she even knows where I am sensing my gaze she turns her head to me and relaxes slightly when she see's that its me .

" Do u know where we are ?" she asks me .

" No I don't but I do know that we are no longer in New York ." I tell her " Did u have another nightmare ?" I ask her 

"Yea but it was not a bad one this time tho ." she tells me coming closer than laying her head on my shoulder .

Aurora is kinda the same as Alessandra she got kidnaped when she was just 1 years old and was kept hostage by the Russian her whole life and in that time she got abused and raped to  but I am another story my parents were killed in front of me when I was just 8 years old they took both me and my younger sister but when we got out with the help of Alessandra we spent all our free time searching for any family that me and Aurora had left but Alessandra did not wanna go back she believed that if they wanted her they would of searched for her and found her a long time ago so she stuck with just us as her only family . 

My biggest wish for her in life was that she would eventfully find her family and love them the way they love her but I think I got better bc she not only found her family and is back with them but it looks like this Nicholas dude has a thing for her 

I am snapped out of my thoughts when the metal door opens and two buff men com walking in one has a scar in his left eye and the other one is bold with a tattoo on his head, so scar and Mr. clean  it is .

" so witch one of u wants do die first ?" asks Mr. clean in a Swedish accent while he pulls out a knife , great we were kidnapped by the Swedish mafia .

" why u have a knife if u want to kill us its like u are flirting with us , are u ?" said Aurora 

"Shut up and we aren't going to kill u yet we need information from u two ." said scar 

" ok scar pls do tell us what u want to know " I reply 

" that's not my name and we want to know who is the Russian mafias new don ." said scar but while he was talking his friend was looking at Aurora like he knew her from somewhere 

" Hej Oscar ser hon inte bekant ut for dig " said Mr. clean in Swedish lucky for us we know that language , so scar's name is Oscar . ( hey Oscar does she not look familiar to you?)  

Oscar turns to look at Aurora before he talks, " Nu nar du namner det ser hon faktiskt ut som den franska maffian " said Oscar ( Actually now that you mention it she looks like the Frenck maffia don ) - Swedish 

" Ska vi beratta for chefen?" asks Mr. clean as we still need to know his name. ( Should we tell boss ) - Swedish 

" Ja Ivar slapper taget ." said Oscar to Ivar before they turned to us .( yes Ivar lets go .) -Swedish

" we will be back " said Ivar before they walk out of the room and shut the door behind them      

As soon as they leave we both look to each other thinking the same thing ," French mafias , do u think it might be true Zane?" Rora asks me 

" I don't know maybe but we will know as soon as we get out of here and kill 'em ." I tell her 

" ok sounds...." Aurora was interrupted by the sound of gunshots going off from outside the door and immediately she moved herself closer to me and as soon as she got close to me I put my body in front of hers to protect her its takes minutes before we can hear the gunshots getting closer to where we are .

The next thing we know is the big metal door is being thrown open and there stands Alessandra with a proud smile on her face , " thank god u guys are ok come on we need to get out of here before the bomb blows up ."She says and she does not need to say anymore as both Rora and I are on our feet following her as she leads us out of this warehouse.

" Where are your bio's ?" I ask since I don't see them anywhere and its only Lune's men here .

" They are at my safe house but I will catch u guys up later lets just get out of here ." she says. 

We make our way to her car and get in once she sees the both of us are in the car she starts it up and we are on our way  .

" Ok so basically when I got back I went looking for you's as there way something I needed to tell you but when I got to the both of your rooms neither of u were there so I went downstairs and asked where u guys went and they said that yawl went to get pizza but that was over an hour ago so I went back to my room and started tracking you's with the tracker u have and found out that u guys were on your way to Sweden  but then it clicked that only people that knew where y'all where was the bio's so I hacked into the the mansions camera's and found someone come in my room and your rooms too the later I saw that same person go into Leonardo's office and plant a bomb it was meant to go off at midnight so I made everyone get out and drove them to my safehouse the reason why I took them there was bc if the rat was in Leonardo's office then he would get the addresses for where their safehouses are , as soon as when got to my safe house I gave them a room each ,don't worry your rooms are not taken, I gathered all my men and flew out her to get you's and now here we are ." she said and as soon as she was done talking she pointed out the window and we were at the airport so we climbed out and got into the privet jet   


The plane ride was ok I was sleeping most of the time we landed about 10 mins ago and we are in the car going to the safehouse  and this might take pretty long so I fall asleep .

"WILL U WAKE UP!" shouted someone in my ear , I sit up immediately and see it was Aurora who shouted at me then I turn to look at Alessandra and see that she is laughing at me but I pay no mind to them and make my way out of the car and to the door and walk in the girls following behind me  laughing like crazy and for what I don't know  .

I make my way to the kitchen but on my way I pass a mirror and I see why the girls where laughing at me they drew on my face , I take the sleeve of my shirt and try to wipe it of but its not working  pls don't tell me that they used permanent marker  I forget about the food that I was gonna make me and go the where the sound of the girls are It leads me to the living room and see them there on the sofas looking everywhere but me .

" do u wanna explain what this is on my face ?" I question them 

" what I don't see anything do u see something Rory?" Alessandra asks Rory  

 " nope I don't see anything ." said Rory 

" Its on and remember u asked for it ." I say before I make my way to my room to shower and get this shit off of my face .


so what do y'all think  I am happy we got this far 


pls vote and comment 

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