Chapter 13

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“There are a few problems we have to deal with.” Constantinus leaned back in his chair and nodded.

“I agree.”

“This boy Shadow is the first problem.”


“Your brother probably confronted him already.”

“Probably.” Gerold leaned forward.

“Out of the two of you, you are the most rational. Your brother reacts than thinks on facts.”

“My brother is more insenque with his protective nature. He may not be aware of the fact he has feelings for your niece, mostly minor. If anything their temporary but they need to be stopped before their confused for anything else.

Your niece is a sweet girl but she’s too young to be an important aspect in my brother’s life as a wife or a mother of his child. If she were to lose the baby if there is one I don’t want them to have harder feelings than their needs to be when their marriage is separated.”

“I agree. Now when you take my niece to your house I want you to make sure they distance themselves from each other. Marciano has been trying but they seem to keep coming together. My niece needs something stable after everything she’s been threw and your brother is everything but stable.”

“He has his ups and downs just like your niece.”

“Then we agree that they can’t stay together.”

“Under the circumstances no.”

“I’ll leave it to you to make sure neither one are hurt in this situation. I want you to keep me updated if anything happened.” Constantinus nodded and they exchanged numbers. Constantinus started to leave the room when Gerold called him back.

“I know about Marciano’s past. I know he’s a good man but he can’t care for my niece how she deserves to be cared for; not after Elena.”

“My brother may be scarred but he wouldn’t do anything to lead your niece on about a future. I can guarantee that.”

“My niece is the most important thing to my wife and I. We’ll do anything for her.” Constantinus nodded then left the room.  He leaned against the closed door as Gerold took a drink from his cup.

“I hope this is for the best.” They both nodded then went on with their day.


“We should be there in less than fifteen minutes.” Camilla looked away from the window and sat up. She looked at Marciano from the back seat. She noticed how tense he was. His jaw twitched in the way that only meant he was upset with something.

Camilla couldn’t believe the complete change he had from this morning to now. This morning he was sweet, kind, playful and completely relaxed. He even started joking with her as they drove past her school.

“Hey! You passed my school!”

“You’re playing hooky today. Did I forget to tell you that?”

“I didn’t agree to this.”

“I decided for you. Beside without school you won’t have to worry about that ridiculous math you have.”

She laughed at him.

“I bet you just don’t like not being able to figure it out.” He shrugged.

“Maybe; maybe not. But you don’t seem to be to upset about skipping school.”

“I’m not but it’d be nice if you let me know a head of time.”

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