Chapter 13

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"Nothing at all, Olivia. These guys just barge in anywhere, say crap and then blackmail people with money. Don't let his words affect you," Lucas whispered.

"But he knew my full name and that of my dad," Olivia insisted.

"He might have seen us together and come up with a story. Just forget it," Lucas tried to convince.

Olivia did not insist but she would surely dig into the matter afterwards. Then slowly, she released Lucas and looked around. Fortunately, people were minding their own business or maybe the intimidating presence of Lucas Kennedy might have sent warning signals around.

"I'm alright, Lucas," Olivia said.

"Great. Let's have a blast. Tomorrow is your first day at work, is it?" Lucas smiled and gestured for both of them to sit down.

"Yes... I'm all fired up for my new project," Olivia did her best to mask her woes.

"Let me know how it goes, okay? If I don't have meetings tomorrow, we could even go for lunch, what do you say?" Lucas asked.

"I'm not sure. I might be going out with Amelia... You know, she is my best friend and we were supposed to go out tonight, but--"

"But you are having dinner with me," Lucas continued.

"Lucas, you should stop controlling my schedule and me... I don't like it. I have my own life, my own worries and goals," Olivia spoke honestly.

"I understand, but you need to understand my feelings for you. They are real. I told you, even after our marriage you will be free to do whatever you want. Nothing that belongs to you will be mine, but everything I own will be yours," Lucas emphasised, yet again.

Olivia did not want to argue nor did she want to utter anything that Lucas could misinterpret or use against her after.

"Sir, is everything okay? Do you need anything else?" The waiter asked.

"Olivia, would you like to try their signature dishes?" Lucas asked.

"Anything," Olivia responded.

"Please bring all the Chef's specials for us," Lucas said.

"Okay, sir," the waiter said.

"You're so beautiful and so innocent," Lucas leant closer and complimented Olivia.

Olivia looked into Lucas' grey orbs and then lowered her gaze.

"How are you going to work in the morning? Do you need a lift?" Lucas asked Olivia.

"The company driver will pick me up at 8:30 AM," Olivia informed Lucas.

"Great arrangement. Actually, Alexander Sterling is my client. We manage all his accounts and investments," Lucas told Olivia.

"Oh, okay," Olivia said.

"You can see me in his office as well, for every month we do a meeting," Lucas informed and then added, "I wonder when he comes to know that my girlfriend and future wife is working in his office, how will he react."

"Lucas! I'm neither your girlfriend nor your future wife. Please, I'm begging me... Let me live my life as I want. After tonight, we won't be much in contact. I promise you that I'll work my ass off to pay off the debts, but I'll never become your wife. This is my final decision," Olivia shot.

"What's wrong with me?" Lucas asked.

"We're enemies..."

"When did you declare us as enemies? We are soulmates!"

"Lucas, enough with your childish talks. Let's not create a scene here. Drop me home once we are done. I need to sleep early," Olivia pleaded.

"Where do you want to create a scene then?" Lucas teased.

"Oh, Lucas!" Olivia exclaimed, holding her head.

"Alright, sweetheart. Chill. I'm just joking with you," Lucas, seeing Olivia worked up, tried to calm her down.

Lucas thought that he should not be too pushy tonight for after what had happened with Peter, she would not be in the right frame of mind. He knew how Joseph Montgomery could be a despicable being, but he did not want Olivia to feel bad and embarrassed. Moreover, he should not disclose anything from the past to her, lest she would just run away in shame.

Olivia deserved a second chance and she deserved the best. She should not be punished for her father's bad deeds.

When the food arrived, Lucas described to Olivia the concept of the cuisine.

"It's an Asian Fusion cuisine and the fried rice the Chef makes is the best in town. I heard he has his secret recipe. Can you believe it, such a simple dish and with such elevating flavours."

Olivia tasted it and she could not agree more, "Oh!!! You're right. You know, I had even stopped eating fried rice at some restaurants because I did not find it up to the mark. But this one here is immaculate!"

"Try the Thai green curry chicken and you'll tell me..." Lucas offered.

Indeed, as Olivia took the first bite, she felt ecstatic.

"Hmm!!! Awesome!" Olivia praised.

"After you are done, we hit the desserts!" Lucas laughed.

"Oh, come on! That's too much. I can't, thank you," Olivia refused politely.

"Please, I insist," Lucas persisted.

"Alright, alright!" Olivia laughed.

The couple seemed to be having a lot of fun tasting the whole menu and Lucas was glad that Olivia was not bitter with him. He just needed to give her some time and she would be fine in his company. But every time Lucas saw Olivia, their first night scenes came flashing and he wanted to take her home. He could not play any more tricks to get her to him, for no matter what he did, she was not yet ready.

Lucas had a small doubt bugging him for a long time now. What if Olivia was in love with someone else? What if it was Alexander Sterling? 

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