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That had been Jacob's first kiss. All he could think about was Mincheol's soft lips and how he wanted them against his again. As long as Jacob saw Mincheol as a friend, that could never happen. He stayed home from school the next day. Not only because he couldn't face Mincheol but also because there was absolutely no way he would be able to focus on schoolwork.

It was very easy to convince his mom he was sick. She didn't want him going to school at even the slightest sniffle. Sometimes it felt like she was smothering him. At this moment he was glad she was such an overprotective mother.

Jacob spent his whole day lying in bed, watching a combination Going Seventeen and Markiplier. Once his iPad died he switched to his phone. Then he took a long nap. His nap was sadly interrupted after his dream was starting to get good.His mom came knocking at his door.

"Honey, one of your friends is here!" She shouted through the door. Filipinos had the habit of shouting even if it wasn't necessary.

" Mahal kita anak." She patted him on the head and helped him out of bed.

"Mahal kita nanay." He reciprocated. When he got down stairs he expected it to be Emily. Anytime he was sick, she would bring him his homework for the day. But when he opened the front door it was Mincheol, holding his homework.

"Mr. Ryan asked if I could make sure you did this missing work. I volunteered since I know where you live..." Jacob began to space out Mincheol's voice. He couldn't focus on a thing Mincheol was saying. Not as long as all he could think about whenever seeing Mincheol was his lips on his.

" Come in, let's go to my room. I need to talk to you." He said urgently.

When they reached his room he threw the papers onto his desk and pulled Mincheol over to his bed. He stared at Mincheol for only a few seconds before pulling him in by the collar of his shirt and passionately kissing his soft lips. He had been longing to do this since the camping trip. They both simultaneously pulled away from each other.

" I know you told me to forget about it but I can't get you off my mind." Jacob said, running his hands through his own hair.  He had no idea how to handle this after making such a rash decision.

" Wait a minute? You don't hate me?" Mincheol gasped, standing up. He began to pace around the room trying to figure out this situation.

"Well this is awkward... I'm sorry I didn't mean to make this more complicated I- I-" Jacob freaked out.
"No it was my fault, I should never have kissed you in the first place." Mincheol said, feeding off of Jacob's nervous energy.

"Do you want to kiss me again?" Jacob asked, he hoped that he didn't scare MIncheol off completely. He just wanted to know if he even meant to kiss him in the first place.

" Yeah, actually I do. I really do." Mincheol said, avoiding eye contact. Jacob gently took Mincheol's hand and held it. He slowly pulled Mincheol closer. Mincheol didn't run away. They continued to grow closer till there was no space left between them. Their lips touched once again. Their hearts beat fast, in sync. They break apart. Then Mincheol grabs the back of Jacob's head and pulls him deeper into the kiss. This kiss was passionate and slow. Jacob could feel the electricity in his veins and his heart was leaping. They pull away taking deep breaths.Mincheol's hands are still in Jacob's hair.

"What does this make us now?" Jacob asked weakly.

"Boyfriends?" Mincheol asked.

"Can we keep it a secret for now? We can tell the others at some point, just not yet." Jacob Suggested.

"Ok then, let's keep it a secret."  says Mincheol, He pulls Jacob in close into a tight hug.

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