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When someone is cisgender they don't have to be worried for their safety using the public bathroom. Unlike the majority of his school Jacob wasn't cisgender. He also wasn't an asshole. The boys trying to shove his face in the toilet right now, were quite the renowned assholes of his school. They could've done worse. At least he wasn't stabbed. Or killed.

He didn't hear the bathroom door open because his head was under the water, swirling. All he knew was when he came up he was in an empty stall, and a different boy was standing over his shoulder. He wasn't one of the assholes, in fact this guy was usually pretty shy.

"Are you ok?" He asks, handing Jacob paper towels to dry off with.

Jacob nodded in response.

" Do you need anything else? Should I get a teacher?" He asked more questions.

"No, I'm fine, thank you." Jacob said while wringing out his face mask. He wears it to help with his gender dysphoria. It covers up any feminine features of his face. His long messy bangs also do a good job at covering up facial features he wants to hide. Not now though. Now he is bare faced in front of a boy he had never talked to before. He recognized that they weren't in the same grade. Which meant he definitely didn't know his name.

The bell rang, ending lunch and this awkward interaction. The boy left with a small wave and a weak smile. Jacob, now alone, stared at himself in the mirror, cringing at his sopping wet face and hair.


Erik was now knocking at Jacob's door. Jacob was lying in his bed covered up in his blankets mindlessly staring at his phone. His brother knocked louder.

"What is it?" He Groaned at Erik.

Erik opens the door and Jacob emerges from the covers.

"Jay, mom and dad aren't home yet so we have permission to go out for dinner. What are you in the mood for?"

"Can I just stay here while you pick up the food? Please?" Jacob rolled back into the warmth of the covers. Erik shakes his head and sighs, ripping the covers off of Jacob.

"Come on, what do you want?"

"Hmmmm... Spicy Ramen?"

" We could go to the Korean place down the street, we wouldn't even have to drive."

"Ugggghh, it's bad enough your making me get out of bed, now I have to fucking walk all the way there?"

" Well I'm sorry, do you have a car? If so, I'd love to see you pull out of thin air."

"Well if you hadn't gotten into an accident we'd have -"

"Hey! Too far asshat."

"Sorry, let me go get my shoes on."

Walking into the restaurant it was quiet. This was the kind of place where you only order food then you take it to go. There were no tables or chairs, just the delicious smell of Korean food. It was old and a little crusty looking but has always been trustworthy. The food has always been quality. All of the sudden Jacob stopped in his tracks at the sight of the employee. It was the boy that had helped him earlier that day in the restroom.

" Two spicy Ramens please!" Jacob's older brother ordered for them.

"Um Hi, I never caught your name..." The boy said, ignoring Erik's order. Erik gave Jacob a confused look and rolled his eyes.

"Jacob and you're?"

"Mincheol... Oh I'm sorry, two spicy ramens coming right up!" He answered and as he disappeared Jacob could hear him shout, " Omma- two spicy Ramens...."

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