Chapter 23

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She woke up and found herself on her bed

Yuna's pov : huh? When did we come back home? Ahhh!! Joon must have suffered a lot bringing me back home. I'm such a stupid. Why did i drink so much last night?

*She sighed*

Yuna : Yuna!! You messed aaaaahhhhh!!

*She left for the restroom to do her daily routine*

Yuna : ahh!! It's so cold today..

*She went to the living room*

At living room :

Yuna : huh!? Joon!!

Yuna's pov : when I entered the living room i found joon watching SpongeBob SquarePants.

Joon : oh!! You here already!! I thought you would be coming soon so planned to surprise you with your favourite cartoon film

Yuna : oh wow!! Thanks

Joon : did you sleep well??

Yuna : yes i did! But..

Joon : please don't ask about last night

Yuna : W-why?

Joon :  You know how much i suffered last night ?

Yuna : how?

Joon : Yuna why are you so heavy?

Yuna : huh H-heavy?

Joon : no doubt you are!

Yuna's pov : gosh!! Why I'm even here ㅠㅠ can't I disappear by any chance?

Joon : and also you ask loads of questions when drunk

Yuna : what questions did I ask?

Joon : forget it!

Yuna : huh? Wae wae? What is it ?

Joon : Better not to say

Yuna : you are such a tease.. i know i didn't ask any questions you are just kidding and that's it

Joon : wae wae!! Why would I? I'm serious

Yuna's pov : what!? Is he serious for real? Did I ask him loads of questions? What questions did I ask? What did i do last night? I better close this topic

Yuna : ok let's wrap this topic here

Joon : okay as you wish...

Yuna : Today is our last day here right?

Joon : it's a yes

Yuna : let's go to the beach today

Joon : As you wish miss  *he bowed*

*They went to the beach at evening*

At the beach :

Yuna : ahhhh! Its so nice playing in water

*She sat beside joon*

Joon : Did you enjoy?

Yuna : yes alot and all thanks to you

Joon : I'm glad you had a good vacation

Yuna : and I'm glad i had a good vacation with you

"Oh!! Cotton candy" *she smiled*

Yuna : joon do you like cotton candy??

Joon : I do

Yuna : I will go get it

Joon : oh wait!! Sit here I will go

Yuna : no! I am going

Joon : okay

Joon's pov : why is she so cute?! *He chuckled*
And here comes the end to our vacation I will miss this place and you so much

Yuna : here!! Your Cotton candy

Joon : oh!! Thanks

Yuna : let's go have a walk over there

Joon : are you not tired??

Yuna : I'm not let's goooo

*She pulled his hand*

Yuna : ahh!! I can't do this... Joon get up...

Joon : okay okay

*They enjoyed having a walk over there*

Yuna : shall I make a call to vhee??

Joon : oh! Sure! Please ask her what happened at the cafe that day

Yuna : oh yes! Lemme put the call on speaker

Joon : okay

*She called vhee*

Vhee : Oh! Yuna unniee how are you?

Yuna : I'm doing great here how about you there

Vhee : just busy learning violin

Yuna : and how about the cafe?? What did tae say?

Vhee : oh!! nothing happened
It was just us had coffee there and nothing else

*Vhee was unaware of Joon's presence*

Yuna : why are you lying?

Vhee : unniee!! Waeee?? Stop it!!

Yuna : wae wae?? Lemme know what you both did there

Vhee : what do you mean?? We didn't do anything

Yuna : who knows

Vhee : unniee!! Stop!! Tae is on call he is with me..

*Yuna's eyes widen*

Yuna : hello!! Hello!! I can't hear you.. hello!! Hello!! Vhee... I can't here you.. maybe there is some network issue here... I'm hanging

Vhee : what wait-

*She hanged*

Yuna : ahhh!! What shall I do now??

*She looked at joon who was trying his best not to laugh*

Joon : we are heading back home right??

*He asked holding his laugh*

Yuna : you are such a tease...

There :

Vhee : What wait -
Huh? She ended? How mean

*Tae coughed*

Tae : you want to go for coffee again?

*He asked teasing*

Vhee : ahh!! Waee... Tae let's go...

Tae : where?? Cafe again?

Vhee : huh?? I mean let's go home

Tae : no! Let's go to the cafe..
"I like yeoja who drinks coffee like you"

Vhee's pov : what did i just hear? What does he mean ?? Oh god!! What to do now??

Tae : let's go....

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